To my dying day (which in the overall scheme is not that far away) I will *never* understand the rejection of science by so many people. Never. I get that there are fringe groups who reject science, but this many people acting out "1984" is not something I can comprehend.
They fear it, because they can't grasp the source material. W/o solid vocab/reading comp. skills, grasping science, and most everything else, likely seems too difficult. Learning any subject is awfully hard if you can't understand the words in the textbooks. Reading is the step ladder to STEM.
I get that for a few people, but if that's true for so many people as we see now, that's a fearsome statement. There isn't any hope, because you can't win a battle of wits with an unarmed person. And why, why would any corporate CEO support this?!?
I think the CEOs are just afraid right now & keeping quiet, more so than actually supporting it. IDK why some ppl go thru life always wanting to learn more, while others plod along like drones, not looking around themselves. Parents don't teach love of learning at home. It makes no sense to me. 😖
That's an excellent point. My dad was a chemist and my mother an RN/BSN. I grew up in the 60s, if we didn't know something we were required to look it up in encyclopedias or go to the library. We went to the library weekly, in fact. A lifelong love of learning is key.
We don't need environmental protections. Pollution is good! Just take a look at RFK Jr. Doesn't he look great after sucking on a diesel exhaust for most of his life?
trump admin perspective: Let it all burn up bc we’ll be dead anyway when it happens so who cares? Just give us money, money, money now and we’ll be happy.
Remember when CPAPs had that carcinogenic foam that got recalled to protect everyone’s lungs? That was governmental scientists. Your diabetes devices, heart stents, hip replacement, breast implants, etc. are kept safe because of these scientists. Private industry does not care about your health.
Actions of such magnitude are raining down, eroding our system of checks and balances. It’s all hands on deck. Join April 5 marches and do whatever you can to protest this erosion.
I've never voted Republican, strictly Democrat for decades. I will no longer vote for either party. America has to wake up from this, North parties are complicit in what's happening today.
I understand your position. I blame the Dems for Trump. If the the Dems and MSM hadn’t cheated Bernie out of the nomination in 2016, we would be living in a far better world. We need to tax the billionaires until they’re gone, universal healthcare, and living wages. Now, he’s probably too old?
Absolutely. The corporate machine in conjunction with the Democratic party rigged the nomination against Bernie. They were afraid of what he would do to them. They try to trot out Hillary Clinton which proved disastrous. Bill did the single biggest act of treason again the progressive movement by
We have to look at the huge picture though. Someone middle America knows and doesn’t hate. There’s much better candidates for me personally but I don’t think they can win. Maybe Josh Shapiro has a shot too.
Well, how else are they supposed to ensure that the "Republican Legacy" lives on after all the baby boomers die out? Gotta put lead back in gas and paint so we have more "great Americans". Quick, someone get a Ouija Board and contact Midgeley! Maybe he has more ideas!
If this were fiction, all those smart people would form a cabal & figure out how to poison the detestable motherfucker. I wish there were a cabal. Where’s our damned cabal?
So tired of hearing 47 say, “Who are you with?” in front of reporters. He does it ALL the time now and keeps discrediting our free press. Journalists need to say, “I’m with the people, sir. Who are you with?”
People need to understand life under autocratic oligarchy. They only keep gov't agencies benefitting the oligarchy & ruler. Look at Hungary, Russia & Iran. Their citizenry are weighed under with high taxes, low wage & no free speech while they hoard the nation's wealth in off-shore tax havens.
All the while our adversities are growing stronger in every field that this government demonizes. We are not the super power we think we are, we're getting left further and further behind.
People have no concept of research and development. They take for granted the time and expertise that’s required to put the most simple comfort in their homes. People have lost respect for intelligence.
We have fallen so far from the 90s, and I’m sure it’s worse for those that remember.
This could be a windfall for Europe. They've already made overtures to our out of work scientists. The only thing we seem to want to be the leader in is tech, because it rewards Trump's big time donors.
We need a new reaction button for posts like these. I feel wrong hitting the heart button. Not sure what the new reaction button should be - maybe a simple WTF.
I know I'm not supposed to, but I'm becoming numb to this administration's rampant evil and idiocy. Like, it's obviously wrong and should be stopped and I'll do my part where I can, but I'm just so fucking tired, man.
People who're not smart/educated don't understand what truly made America great. Ask people in a rural cafe' what is best to do, and many/most will agree with this change. America is f*cked at this point. People are just too stupid. And rural America now has their dumb leader, to do stupid things.
Basically if your IQ is higher than your shoe size, you’re out. The problem with dumb people is that they get confused easily when smart people aren’t around to clean up their messes.
Is it medieval times or the Khmer Rouge? Any time you try to stifle scientific research, the outcome is the same. First they came for…
The derivative impacts of this plan will be felt by every single American, whether you voted for your precious orange orb or not
Science, common sense and freedom to speak/protest are all under attack by 47. We are heading towards becoming just like Russia. Mark my word... 47 will claim he has the ability to serve more than two terms come 2028.
Such a stupid plan. Let’s let corporations pollute as they wish. 😡 I remember when the Clean Air Act passed. I lived a few miles from a paper mill and you no longer had to smell it.
I keep hearing well-meaning people talking about this in terms of four years of setbacks and then we magically vote out the fascist dictatorship and fix everything. They have no grasp of what we're losing.
Tru dat. And, the damage of these cuts cannot be repaired with a finger snap. It will take decades, if at all. I'm afraid our best & brightest will leave the US. 💙✌️
All these folks talking about up rooting moving to parts and futures unknown!
Wouldn't it be way easier to get rid of the root cause ?
If past behavior is any gauge, the thug in the WH & his cronies are only going to do worse things to us & we are woefully unprepared. I hope bluesky will continue to draw voices with good ideas, good hearts, and a love of our country, flaws & all.
Accelerating its plans to poison and kill Americans, the Musk-Trump Cabal is firing over 1,000 world-class public servants and destroy the Environmental Protection Agency’s scientific capabilities
British Columbia is literally putting in a program to make it easier for US doctors and nurses to practice here. BC and other Provinces would be wise to do the same with other sciences too.
I hear they're all headed to Europe. Great news for Europe.
Pretty soon, all we'll be good at is inventing reasons to hate, hurt, and injured our fellow humans.
Why? To what purpose? Research is not political. It’s for the betterment of the country. This administration is hell bent on destroying our governmental institutions. And to what end? Not “making America great again “.
They did not see ghostbusters. 🤣🤣. Sorry this is so serious but my tsunami of grief is so big now. I have to find humor for a second. And in the words of Peter Venkmam “This man has no dick”. Y’all are heros thank you for just existing! 💙💙💙💙
Think Dr.Fauci
1,000 more people had the only reason they weren't a full-time resistance member taken away from them.
Should the worse come to pass, 🇨🇦 and 🇪🇺 are likely interested in the best and brightest, so that is a potential option.
So if you get in his way, he will eliminate you.
Fascism 101
Drill baby drill!
We have fallen so far from the 90s, and I’m sure it’s worse for those that remember.
America doesn't need brains.
Just football players.
Not tomorrow, not a vote in Congress from now. Today.
The derivative impacts of this plan will be felt by every single American, whether you voted for your precious orange orb or not
This cost here is not just a monetary one, it will be measured in lost expertise, environmental destruction, and loss of lives.
But too many are still waiting - waiting for it all to magically work out.
It won’t.
What we’re losing isn’t just policy; it’s power, rights, and the very tools to fight back.
There’s no automatic reset button.
All these folks talking about up rooting moving to parts and futures unknown!
Wouldn't it be way easier to get rid of the root cause ?
The resistance is growing and nicer weather is coming it going to get much larger!
Pass it on!
Accelerating its plans to poison and kill Americans, the Musk-Trump Cabal is firing over 1,000 world-class public servants and destroy the Environmental Protection Agency’s scientific capabilities
Europe is also interested
Pretty soon, all we'll be good at is inventing reasons to hate, hurt, and injured our fellow humans.
There is a reason the average income in Russia is $10k
Carl Sagan
the courts are toothless now, what are other ways of resisting
I mean, sulfur fart bombs, anything