Terrifies me. It looks like Christianity is hailed in Africa because the kind we preach is like a glorified version of the idols we used to worship. Give something to get something. So when people get what they want, the need for God vanishes. The wealthy don't come for prayer services in my church.
We Christians for the most part treat God as some transaction. We don't love Him. We pray because for the most part we desire a comfortable life. Men should get all they desire and they will have little place for God. Sad!
Exactly. We see God like the ATM. It's scary, this path.
And after some time online, I've seen that people in developed countries have also started disregarding the need for God. The God they met, is the one who sends people to hell for disobedience, who watches people suffer and does nothing
My dire prayer and hope is that we have more Christians who really become like Jesus. God's image-bearers, bringing life to this world through our stewardship-servanthood regardless of suffering. Myself included. Especially from Africa.
And after some time online, I've seen that people in developed countries have also started disregarding the need for God. The God they met, is the one who sends people to hell for disobedience, who watches people suffer and does nothing