Shadow Generations… might be my favorite Modern Sonic/ Boost Game… I’m scared of how fun this is LOL
This honestly might be a big leap or recency bias, but gameplay-wise this might be my favorite Sonic game like… ever??? It’s been so replayable for me so far. They…. They cooked so hard?!?????
This honestly might be a big leap or recency bias, but gameplay-wise this might be my favorite Sonic game like… ever??? It’s been so replayable for me so far. They…. They cooked so hard?!?????
I don't know how far along you are with the game, so I dunno how much can be said, but without going into specifics : I'm amazed at how it also starts off insane and never seems to lessen in insanity
i love you salty sdk son
I hope this trend continues and we get a really monumental game in the future.
I gotta replay some of the other S tier games to see how it really stacks up but I love every stage and all of the movement mechanics so much.
I just hope SEGA realizes how much money that (more) DLC would print them
We need more stages like Kingdom Valley Act 1 as well, my favorite level.
I think this might be the best sonic game (except for PS3/360 unleashed) of all time
I... actually want to improve my times and get better! I want to speed run!!
IF they keep this formula from shadow generations and use it going forward? We can have more bangers. Shadow generations is fantastic. Only problem? Too short
And they start you out with some absolute spectacles regarding both visuals and level design.
Shadow Generations? It held me by the neck and shook me violently. (And I mean that in the best way possible. Loved playing it.)
*looks both ways and lean towards your ear*
Sonic Frontiers?
SONIC GAMES ARE GOOD WHEN THEY HAVE EFFORT PUT INTO THEM!!! Boost, Adventure, Heroes, Classic, etc. Doesn't matter.
Hell I think a talented team could make Labyrinth gameplay fun
If it was, you were talking to one of your friends or chat about something, and then faded to an edit of the end/credits of Shadow the Hedgehog 2005 to the song What I've Done
Which video if yes