I went to private school and been able to generally coast by. Own my own home, pretty much a shoe-in for a management job that's opened up. Posh accent goes a long way.
I was lucky and fell into an apprenticeship. Company put me through college for 4 years, which I nearly failed (didn't finish a lot of coursework on time due to family issues). College allowed me time to catch up, so I didn't fail out of my job. Due to that, I am now in the top 10% of earners.
Lucky to be born in the best time in history to be alive, in one of the richest countries in the world. In a relatively well off family who are sane and non abusive.
As an aid worker I saw how hard people work in rural Africa - let alone many people I know.
Thank you. Everytime I hear this poxy phrase from a wealthy git I think of my former Mother-in-law Mrs Croft, who was always happy, but worked herself to death earning a pittance as a cleaning lady.
And the fierce way people say it makes it seem that they judge a life well spent ln how many hours in the day somebody has spent working. The measure of personal fulfilment is hours at the grind stone. It's a bizarre, and very industrial revolution, mindset that needs to stop!
Made my fortune in Northern Working Men clubs. As a lapdancer. Gave up when the bastard plastic £10 notes were introduced. Always scratched my inner thighs. And slid out of my speedos. Nightmare.
Left school 1985 training as a butcher, brought 1st house at 21 married two kids, 35years on had work accident things got sticky at the start of COVID so sold everything and moved right up north mortgage free debt free never looked back yes we worked hard & we're happy with what we have been dealt
Luck and being in the right place at the right time and of course being born in to a loving, supportive family giving me a sound foundation and my own rock solid family has been the major part of everything I’ve got. Hard work helps a little
I went to private school and been able to generally coast by. Own my own home, pretty much a shoe-in for a management job that's opened up. Posh accent goes a long way.
Lucky to be born in the best time in history to be alive, in one of the richest countries in the world. In a relatively well off family who are sane and non abusive.
As an aid worker I saw how hard people work in rural Africa - let alone many people I know.