any therians on here seeing this post?
feeling like I need to talk to one rn
feeling like I need to talk to one rn
Idk how to explain this very well, but basically recently I've been questioning myself heavily on whether or not I may be one aswell, and thought I should probably talk with a therian to make sure
Whenever I imagine something that involves me, I'm always portrayed as a fox, I tend to make fox-like noises depending on my mood, ---
It's all stuff that I've been experiencing for years now, but didn't think of until I saw this image from hearthfox a few months ago, which is now why I'm questioning myself about this
I think the most important part of being a therian (or any type of alterhuman) is the "identifying in some way as something other than human" bit, and since you've "never really felt completely human" and that you're "partially a fox" --