Why wouldn't he? He's bubbled off and immune to direct confrontation. There is no venue to share ideas. We are hermetically sealed off from each other.
Not surprisingly, Democrats have done a weak job of explaining why Republicans cause the government shutdown. It's because Democrats won't let them cut jobs, healthcare, Social Security, or safety in order to expand the $trillion tax cuts for Trump & Musk's wealthy buddies.
Democrats are clueless. They are like those Apex Legends teammates who run off on their own trying to 1vs3 whoever they find, die, then cry on the comms "Save me. Why aren't you over here?"
They are clueless on matters of consequence. I truly think they don't believe in their own politics.
Yeah along with the crashing stock market caused by Biden....and don't forget what a nightmare he inherited from Biden! A stock market that is the envy of the world, a burgeoning job market, falling inflation & a super healthy country. Well TFG trashed it all in 6 weeks.
Since they are doing it under reconciliation, the Republicans don’t need a single Democratic vote…
. ..Republicans are unable to find cuts to justify their tax gift to billionaires, or they are afraid of losing their seats after hearing from their constituents.
When will they stop listening to his lies? Perhaps when one of them dies from the measles or mumps or worse, but I doubt it. Madness is a strange affliction.
Democrats "Oh, what shall we do?" while wringing their hands and blotting their brows with hankerchiefs. Or perhaps "Thank you sir, may I have another?"
The legislative branch needs to stand up collectively and inform donald trump that they are all, including him, employees of the people. He is an employee, hired and paid by the people of this country to do the work they want done. Any employee acting the way he is should be fired.
SHUT IT DOWN!! If democrats budge, they’ll lose me until 90% of them are gone. This passive shit is over. Channel Mitch McConnell and be dickheads! PLEASE. Do not give into republican grift.
So explain this like I'm in kindergarten. The President and his all White Fascist cast are all Republicans, the Senate has an R majority, the House of Representatives has an R majority and the Supreme Court has a Fascist majority. How in the hell is it Democrats' fault if there's a shutdown?!!
They will always blame someone else. Spoiler alert they will never take accountability for anything. It appears the Dems will also not hold them accountable. Good times!!
Democrats are terminally stupid. They'll allow this to be spun on Faux Noise, Newsmax etc until people believe it. Pathetic. I'm starting to feel like Dems are in on it.
It's very simple : MAGA Republicans and DOGE want to dismantle the government, and in a great show of bipartisanship Democrats will help them do it faster with a shutdown.
I think Trump is just jealous that the Dems will prove themselves even more efficient than DOGE.
Of course he does! If it’s something that isn’t going great then he blames it on Biden. I bet in 2028 he will still blame Biden for what he’s fu¢ked up in America!
Typically Trump, he won’t take responsibility for anything, so he picks on the Democrats so he won’t look bad to his cult. It does show how the Republicans just don’t know how to govern, they hold a Martin the house, but can’t pass a budget. How pathetic they have to resort to a CR of a Dem budget.
Dems won't eat my shit. The magats do. If the dems won't eat it, everything is their fault.
Once again, Ol fat, Stinky Diaper Donnie, is lying through his wattles and flab
He is diluted, not sure how you guys are ever going to get rid of him before he completely ruins the country, doing a good job of running the US credibility in the ground. I have empathy.
Shut the f****** government down. I never thought I'd say that. F*** him and f*** his party and just go to hell.. if you don't want our government shut down, do something else, something else, besides destroy our country!
Naturally, and his base will eat it up, and the same among us will roll our eyes in exhaustion at their idiocy, and hopefully--hopefully, a few will wake up to the reality that they've been completely and utterly lied to by Trump, Musk, and the GOP
Democrats need to get out ahead of this. They need to anticipate and make a plan to put every bad decision that tRUMP makes falls squarely on his head. Dammit😡
Good heavens does he also blame someone else for filling his diaper every time he has to be changed? This is all on you DonOld, even if your cult buys it the rest of the world knows it’s total BS.
And his worshippers will simply embrace his latest lie. Because belonging to a cult requires the abandonment of critical thinking - so that you depend on the leader to explain everything.
And the dems need to be out on teevee, in person YELLING that they don't have the power to stop a shut down..it's all on the gop. Instead, Chuck and Hakeem will write strongly worded letters..
Of course. The entire motif of the GOP is blame the Dems for everything. They have fallen so far down the Two Party Trap that they have nothing they run on other than blaming the Dems. They have no idea what is in Project 2025 and just know that the Dems hate it. And thats their motivation.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Didn’t the Republicans win…by a landslide?
Don’t they have a…mandate?
Didn’t they get…all the swing states?
Weren’t we told this was the biggest win in history?
Didn’t Trump JUST tell us … he’s more popular than
George Washington?
He is living proof that orange dye causes brain damaged… it’s March 2025 and I’m still trying to understand how in the holy fuck he got elected again…we should have stormed the capital on Jan 6th…
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
i don't see why a shut down matters at this point when, musk and him are firing everyone anyways. so shut down isn't much of a threat anymore when they doing it anyways.
This would be detrimental to the people being deported & incarcerated right now. We will lose track of them. Musk wanting the shutdown means we should fight it. If the government shuts down, ICE will continue to operate, but the agencies whose job it is to track these deportations will be shut down.
No offense, but the American ppl asked for this. You can't expect the Dems to save the day when y'all gave Trump complete control over the govt. At this point, the Dems might just sit back and watch it burn.
As painful as it may seem, perhaps the best thing is for the Democrats to do nothing at all. This way the Republicans take the heat for everything. If the shoe was on the other foot, the Republicans would do exactly the same thing.
Oh Misty…. I do hope you are right! My “gut” also tells me that there are plans in the works. I believe it’ll happen real soon as well. Of course they have to keep it hush hush … can’t tip their hand until the time is right…. Just hope it’s sooner than later!
Dems cannot do anything because the numbers are not with them. So if I were the Dems I would keep my lines open for complains, sit back and eat popcorn. Because they are waiting for the Mid-terms to gain the numbers to make changes. That is all they can do.
That or maybe for right now, if democrats could turn just 3 republicans then everything would change. But getting 3 republicans to go against an orange bully who makes ☠️ threats against you and your loved ones can be quite daunting... not likely to happen. Guess we wait... vote for Susan Crawford!
Honestly, I don't know. We have nothing to rely on. Not the lower courts. Our representatives are wearing pink in protest. I think massive walk outs and strikes would work better than attire. We have to rely on the supreme court ruling in favor of the law over the orange charlatan who bought them.
Biden fault for Eggs, Democrats fault for the government Shut down, Mexico for fentanyl and Canada for whatever his fucked up mind thinks of next. The only thing he blames himself for is having such a shitbag of a son. Probably blames a broken codom for that though.......
I know I'm here :), Canada loves the good guy both here and there, Your government however; are a bag of dicks and they have destroyed 200 years of relations. It sucks , we are gutted, not because of the tariffs but because we genuinely seen as an enemy by some in the US. We are on the defensive.
Yeah, we still got that fire. :) but now is not the time. We got to re evaluate how we navigate next. It would appear the government is attempting to pivot away from the US. Its going to take a generation to unfuck everything that has been done.
Yeah... can't say I blame y'all. A large portion of us are just trying to survive right now down here, the cuts to programs right and left are requiring constant attentio. Can't trust any of the government to do anything...need time to regroup and figure out how to stop the madness.
He’s trying to hide that he still hasn’t appeased the Freedom caucus yet. Trump is hiding all the republican in-fighting going on right now. Not exploding the National debt is totally down to a few Republicans at this point. If the budget doesn’t pass then it’s solely a Republican problem.
He’s the master of the Art of the Deal! He can get it done BIGLY! He’s the best business man! He can sell this beautiful budget to his loyalists! Let them OWN it!
Democrats be damned. He doesn’t need them he’s the best! 🤦♀️
Of course he does..biggest whinging orange idjit around..the republicans have been kicking this can down the road so they can implement all of these awful cuts to the poor, sick, elderly, veterans, & the children. So...they own this. This is their heartless budget ~ all to give the rich more money.
Why can’t our leadership ever get in front of anything! Of course Trump is going to blame democrats. Maybe they will just hold up lollipop paddles saying “Lie”.
Trump is to blame for the shutdown. Second, does anyone have plans for Lent? Mine is to fight for the defenseless, persecuted, downtrodden, and those who are different from us.
I think the rule of thumb is: If it’s bad, the Democrats are to blame, if it’s good & the Dems are to blame, trump takes credit for it. Sometimes when things are bad, don just tells us it’s good, best of all time. One thing that never happens is something bad being attributed to trump in any way.
Right?! Will it be after 3 months have passed? 6 months? 1 year? How long will it take for the majority of Americans to stop blaming Biden for America's current issues and start putting the responsibility on Donald Trump to fix them?
Alright democrats, time to step up and explain to the public what branches of government the GOP controls. If it means using visual aides to get the point across, go for it!
That’s not surprising. He’s entirely predictable. What’s surprising is how many people still believe him without ever presenting a shred of evidence. Ever.
They are clueless on matters of consequence. I truly think they don't believe in their own politics.
DonOLD dumb dumb..
Which prison do you think he would have died in?
. ..Republicans are unable to find cuts to justify their tax gift to billionaires, or they are afraid of losing their seats after hearing from their constituents.
Democrats: HOLD THE LINE!
Jim Jordan, member of the party of the rich, has the facts wrong...
Donald Trump, leader of the party of the rich, doesn't understand tariffs.
Use it like they did with DEI
For years, they blamed Obama for every pimple on their asses.
Now they are blaming, Biden.
Bottom line ... we're on Trump's watch it's on him ...
They supported genocide.
They violated the Leahy Act.
They don't care about democracy.
They're bought off by the same billionaire class as the Repubs.
It's up to the people to do what needs to be done.
No matter what happens the democrats will get blamed, why not pull some pissers you are getting blamed for them anyway.
He and Leon have basically already shut it down in their brilliance.
I think Trump is just jealous that the Dems will prove themselves even more efficient than DOGE.
Costco Thank you day.
March 7 2025
#USDemocracy #Costco
im·be·cile A stupid person
Once again, Ol fat, Stinky Diaper Donnie, is lying through his wattles and flab
He just sounds like a cliche movie villain
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
Didn’t the Republicans win…by a landslide?
Don’t they have a…mandate?
Didn’t they get…all the swing states?
Weren’t we told this was the biggest win in history?
Didn’t Trump JUST tell us … he’s more popular than
George Washington?
SO … why would they need any help from the Dems?
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
They blame the dems regardless, they need to shut it down otherwise they never will
Democrats be damned. He doesn’t need them he’s the best! 🤦♀️