Posting this photo for no particular reason
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He looks so Soviet.
Trump hates this picture, but it actually is an improvement over reality.
He much prefers the belligerent asshole look!!!!
“For a painting of an old, fat, mildly incontinent, tan in a can President, it’s the most perfect portrait ever rendered by an artist in human history.”

-best art critic of all time
It burns!!!
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Is that...the official portrait?
It’s in a Governor’s Office but I don’t recall which state.
Trumpy’s all angwy about it 🤣
Where are his neck giblets?
That is referred to as the "nunt". Lol.
He’s a good man …let’s be honest
Makes me want to vomit 🤮
(angry squeal) that looks NOTHING like ME (oink)
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Pigs are intelligent and affectionate.
Thank you. They are amazing and smarter than dogs and loyal and sweet.
Don't eat them.
Exactly 🙌
Talk about fugly!
This portrait made Donald Trump mad lol 🤣
🤣🤣🤣🤣 captures him perfectly, without the fake tan, combover and makeup.
What is the name of the de-uglify filter used?
I suddenly don't feel well. 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
I thought Obama's portrait was just as bad...
He looks swole, but then again he is morbidly obese
He wears a girdle.
I have heard from several sources that he wears a thong from Stormi Daniel. This of course isn’t public knowledge as it’s covered by a NDA
Same artist did DiCaprio (honorable mention)
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Or, Mr. Potato head.
Dumpster Donnie’s chubby cheeks aren’t as orange as now. Maybe he used a different shellac shade then.
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Is this the Putin gifted portrait of Trump ?
There, I fixed it!👍🏼
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Cut the canvas out of the frame and put it on a dart board. 😎
Best idea yet!!!
I thought it was Lindsey Graham at first
Looks like a beardless, old, JD Vance. Something for him to look forward to…
The Most Corrupt U.S. President Ever! Felon Trump.
“Vanity working on a weak head, produces every sort of mischief.”- Jane Austin
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It’s Donnie Fishlips! 😂
😂😂😂😂 I had a great belly laugh.
the Common Bloviated Lyingfish
More accurate.
I’ll never be able to unsee this!!!
This is how we need to use AI.
What's he got in his cheeks?
The photo is missing the Fed Pen ID number.
I bet they got that Spanish lady to do it. You know, the one who "restored" a painting of Jesus.
Praying and hoping for the day his name is listed on LEGECY dot COM
Artist forgot to paint the 666 on his forehead.
With out the filter!
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Glass egos make shitty portraits
Indeed, it does not embody him. He appears too dignified. There is a second hand car salesman sleasiness vibe missing.
I think the year 2025 is missing on the small plaque under the picture.
Biff Tannen did become president after all
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We stumbled down the timeline where Biff still possesses the Almanac.
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Quite apt really, seeing as Trump is a huge bully!
That's not an accident, the writers confirmed Biff was based on Trump.
Not orange enough.
The petulant child.
He looks like a third tier insurance salesman who cheats at golf and on his wife.
Switch out insurance for used cars and it’s right on the money. Just needs more bad spray tan
I know where you can friend lots of used, poor quality, fire prone EVs.
Edit: find.

Autocorrect is pissing me off!
Could we please get an edit button?
Ducking right !
We hate this man! So does the painter😁
I think he’s upset he doesn’t look orange!
If only the third tier insurance person part were true.....
Nailed it
Isn't that Lindsey...??
That's scary 😱😲👹
He should be grateful it makes him look better.
Exactly what I was thinking. She toned down his straw hair, orange makeup and caterpillar eyebrows. Maybe he thinks those are his best features.
He is delusional.
Just cuz. Pass it on.
Hmmmm , me thinks there’s a reason
It looks like Trump with Elon Musk’s eyes.
they made his face look fat and his body about 25% smaller. How weird.
Yeah, lord knows, we don't see enough of this MFer !
Thank you for your time.
Keeyrist! what is that??? Fukc! 🤣
It's funny he hates this even though he looks like jd couch in this 😂
He looks stupid always with his comb over
OMG!!! Outstanding!!!
Oh my goodness! I am laughing so hard. Perfect.🤣😂😅👍👍🤛❤️❤️
Ugh, I want to download that but Bluesky won’t let me
This is wrong, he's at least a c cup.
Reminds me of this…..
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Apparently, King Henry VIII’s portrait painted by Holbein had him taller, younger and more imposing than he actually was.
I am guessing that Don-boy doesn’t like the fact that he is missing his royal regalia.
without the dignity
And the Royal lineage
I hope Trump gets gout, too. More cheeseburgers, please!
🇬🇧 We'd rather you don't confuse Britains royal heritage with your psychopathic orange turd of a failed slum lord coup instigator.

Thanks awfully.
I don’t wanna start an internet fight but honestly…. Where do you think we got our colonizing fashy glory reels from?

I get it. He is absolute trash. But we didn’t create him in a vacuum.
Can we throw darts at it? That's about all it's good for.
This should be his official portrait going forward
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I'm Loving it!
It's more like this.
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YES! You absolutely NAILED IT!!
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Also call him Donald the con artist Trump.
And it's hanging crooked on the wall.
Gosh I hope he doesn’t like it. I need a new tantrum!
They added too much hair and the face color is all….normal-ish ?? Plus they gave him a neck and only one chin. 🤔
The mistake here was not adding the MAGA cap? That at least would have offset his awful choice of colors that don't match.
On the positive side, the suntan screen is so subtle, credit to the artist.
Foxtrot Delta Tango
Ugly fat Felon47.
Kamala is 47, Hillary is 45. He stole both elections. He is 0.
SAME thought here
Hahaha 😝
It doesn’t even look like him. Were all the good artists gay, and refused to paint him? Because I’d be mad if this was a cake decoration, let alone a Presidential portrait.

I love this for him.
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Love it! Same image came to my mind! I remember this being on Kimmie Schmidt! Hilarious! 🤣
Dems should hold an auction on the Trump portrait for big bucks!
❤️❤️❤️❤️Heard he hates it
Who gifted it…?
I do hope so
Shitler hates this portrait. Make sure nobody RP it.
Lol...looks better than he does in real life.
Fat ugly pig
Please don't put down fat pigs that way.
Is that the official? He must hate it.
TBF same artist
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He did the best he could with trump.
Now I'm laughing!
Laughing gets you a follow!
Can’t polish a turd.
I know why lol. Reposted.
That dude in the portrait is 50 lbs lighter than Trump…at least.
Me too
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You'll have to ask
My first thought of the day.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣it pisses him off to no end… he said Obamas was better than his!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
I mean, Obama is cuter than him.
lol -icing on the cake
silk purse, pig's ear.
Excuse me, pigs ears are far more useful than this human waste of oxygen
William Shatner looks awful, but then again, he's in his 90s. 🤣
It’s not orange enough
Fatty Trump looks sad.
How am I supposed to like that ????
Trump with his new portrait
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Omg 😂😂😂😂 I soooo needed the little shot of joy this gave me! 😂😂😂
Sad to say I was well into my 30’s before I learned they’d based Biff on trump. 😆
I’m in my 60s and I just now learned this…from you. I had no idea. 🤣
Thank you! I’m like shit, how did I miss that.
Oh yeah that’s Biff! I was thinking it was a Picture of Dorian Grey joke.
Well I'm 50 and I just learned this.
Wikipedia: Biff is portrayed as a hulking, belligerent, dim-witted bully who obtains what he wants by intimidating others into doing his work for him, or by cheating.
Old Biff is Trump and Trump is Biff. Biff had time traveling Gray's Sports Almanac to explain his rise from meathead bully. What is reality's excuse for letting Trump hyperinflat..?
This is a reminder of how small-minded Donald Trump is. Instead of being concerned about children dying in a war, he's more worried about a stupid picture! For the love of the Universe, get him out of the WH!
Love it!
🤣🤣🤣 BIFF
Trump and his ideal portrait now hanging in the Lourve at Mar-a-Lago
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I really don't want to see his face. No more photos of this evil pig.
I just lurve Teslers, ain’t they just the bestest.
Apropos of the essential Trump, it hangs crookedly!
Lock this felon up!
And I just reposted it, for no particular reason.
More of a likeness?
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Now there ya go.
Pizza the Hutt.
Awesome movie 😁
make me cough
The Blob 🤙🏽
Is that my friend Elonald Putrump?
Best. Name. EVER!!
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Fat Bastard wouldn't do this to us 😭
He really hates this portrait.
Honestly, I think that portrait is more flattering than what he looks like IRL
To be honest, I think it’s funny that The Convicted Felon is complaining about the portrait. It actually makes him look better than he does
Trying to piss everyone off before bed, aren’t ya?
There, it’s fixed.
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Except Donnie is more like a r*tarded chihuahua with bug eyes than a Golden Retriever. You know, a far more annoying, not to mention useless, animal.
That’s hilarious!! 🤣🤣🤣

(But true!)
Awww Trump must have gotten a new groomer, look at his pretty yellow fur
goldish deceiver.

dogs are a zillion times better than these corrupt creeps! ❤️‍🔥
Eww. That dog's not housebroken.
Elon’s bitch😂😂😂😂
Its just that that dog isn't repugnant in every way. The sentiment is on point though.
Trump's Russian portrait belongs in the hall of shame with Kim Jong Un's love letters. Trump narcissim won't allow him to see that both gifts are insulting. Putin knows Trump is superficial. Kim Jong Un knows Trump is embarrassed about his hand size.
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From any perspective, Trump exhibits all the attributes of tyranny. A tyrant has no place in a civilized world. As long as Trump remains, America can no longer be regarded as civilized.
That’s one UGLY portrait.
I think this portrait makes trump look better than he actually is. Perhaps, they should take a screen grab of trump from one of his ads, where he is selling something useless, when he looks sweaty and one can easily be convinced he was just rescued from a burning building.
A thumb in a suit
Hoping it spontaneously combusts into flames
Funny how this looks way better than his actual face.
I won’t post any photos of this ugly motherfucker fucking treasonous traitorous Russian rat
I will!
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This one is better no insult to real life rat animals, they’re hella cool.
I can’t believe he allowed them to publish this photo of him
The no particular reason is that Trump apparently has seen an image of this portrait, he hates it saying it is "distorted" and demanding it be removed. 😂
It hurt his widdle fee fee's.
He’s just so disgusting I can’t look at that ugly mug any more. If I hear his voice it’s like nails in a chalkboard
Did you see Tulsi Gabbards face today at the hearing? I had no idea her skin was that bad. It looks like an unpaved hillbilly backroad full of gravel. God girl, get a peel, you can afford it. Oh, and your lies and denial at today's hearing will be exposed.
I do t like any photos of that ugly fuck
I guess he doesn't like any either unless their mugshots
And apparently Obama’s picture is much better. Barack living rent free in his addled brain.
And Barack is now on Bluesky 🩵🙏👌
Must follow!
Everyday 🤣🤣
For eternity
Ooh! Is that one of those Wooly Mice? Or just another New York Subway Rat?
Oooh... I love charades...
Is the answer Mini Mushroom Man, Donnie Bumpf ?
Never forget
Trump pp small!
It’s memorializing the look on his face after Putin told him Kim Jong Un loves Daddy Vladdy more than Humpty Trumpty.
That’s the most accurate likeness I’ve ever seen!
Hideous! Why on earth would you post this eyesore. Don’t we see enough of that pig’s rectum face?
🤣I needed a good laugh. Thank you!
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When the photo is an AI embellishment designed to make him look 30 years younger
Sounds good!
When the Benadryl hasn’t kicked in yet…
Gotta love those jowls😂😂.
Blotus of Flatulus
Good for a new profile pic!!
Just a brat
Oh my!!!
That's fabulous.
Does he like it?
Much better.
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Can you squeeze in adjudicated rapist?!
I’ll try! 😂
Jowled faced fascist prick. The orange turnip couldnt look presidential if he tried, not even da Vinci could achieve that in a portrait. Once a pathetic old man, always a pathetic old man.
On the bright side, his health is so poor they don't think he makes it to the end of this term.
Don't tease me
Lol, that's what I was thinking about Biden.
That’s tooooooo long!
Every morning, I check for news of Trump's dire prognosis from Walter Reed Medical Center.

One of these days, it will be true.

Is there a Vegas line on which cholesterol-related COD rescues America & the world?

I'd bet on a stroke. Although I might make a smaller covering bet for a AF1 stumble.
Maybe if we all start door dashing him cheeseburgers and diet cokes from McDonalds things will move a little faster
Then we get stuck with guyliner couchfker who’s Owned by Project2025, so not sure that’s a win. I’d take never having to hear that voice again as a definite win.
He hates Elon, though we get rid of doge and Trump
President Ned Beatty?
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But he was charming.
He sure was.🐷
I was thinking more Homicide Life on the Street era.
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Oh, it’s Cousin Ned
I find this photo wildly inaccurate. On one hand I get it. The artist probably cannot afford the amount of orange needed. A for effort. Ehh... B+,no C.
Wow. When I saw that, I went through a whole 'nother "WTF was wrong with America to elect this MF...TWICE!?" Seriously insulted and angered by all of this.
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That is VERY clever!
Clever theft
Glad I’m not alone in my thievery… I stole it from you! 😂
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That is a wonderful bit of graphic design.
Two face! Thank god your here!
.....other than he hates it🤣
Looks like a pussified version of trump.
Personally it’s the best image of him I’ve ever seen. It must be hard to paint the likeness of the devil without frightening the BeJeezas out of everyone
Is that Lindsay Graham in Trumps body😂😂😂
Perfect likeness, could be a bit more orange. 😹😹😹
Too bad there’s no end date.
I'm including the backstory of where the grudge originates
Oh gee I wonder why they can’t seem to raise the funds for Trump’s portrait?! LOL! Seriously the most hated man on the planet.
So creepy!
Is that Lou Dobbs ?
May as well be… 😏
Hard to paint a turd.
That is a handsome woman
Hahaha the orange dude hates it.
I knew you converted to the orange Bible, but you should keep it to yourself.
Can someone do, as was done once, make an app with his face and let you punch it as much as you like?'
I remember someone had an internet page once that enabled you to do that!
Not sure who the hated person was now but it was good for stress levels!😉
Reminds me of a Mad magazine cover that I seen once!
It would be just awful if someone made posters and shirts and stickers.
You know when you think about it it’s actually really fitting that the Kirkland-brand-ass President get a Kirkland-brand-ass portrait
Actually improves the appearance of that malignant narcissist psychopath who soils the people's house daily with his filthy lies and hostile money grubbing self serving bullshit policies.
Bobby Hill!!
Yes! Someone else sees it!
I made this the second I saw that hilarious pic.
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I can’t unsee it. I like Bobby Hill much better, though.
I seriously could not tolerate Bobby Hill.

And there is nothing like putting him next to donald trump to instantly raise Bobby's likeability, coolness factor, & physical appeal in comparison, just like that.
I meannnnn….it says something that I like Bobby better. 😂
That boy ain’t right
Yeah, lord knows, we don't see enough of this MFer !
Lest we forget how handsome he is
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One never really knows what goes through Melania’s mind.
Warn a person!!
Looks like he’s retaining water or bloated with evil.
Waste of paint
So help me he looks like Bobby Hill ... thats why Trump doesn't like it.
Damn, he's a ugly f**k!
Can we make this the new US flag? It will look great on stage at MAGA rallies and on lapel pins worn by politicians.
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ok, I lost it on this one...too funny
I am sorry but that is so disrespectful to the intellectual pig.
I thought it was a nod to Orwell’s animal farm. I’m a vegetarian so pigs are safe with me and have been since 1977.
"All animals are equal. But some are more equal than others"
(George Orwell~Animal Farm)
This is an insult to pigs 🐽
Pigs are intelligent animals. That’s why this is an insult to them.
It’s a nod to Animal Farm. I love 🐷 that’s why I haven’t eaten one since 1977.
Hissy fit #2,345,634
Gross...just as he is in real life.
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Trump basically said this a number of times in comments he made to reporters. And quite frankly, there’s good reason to worry about midterms or other national elections for the same reason!
Instead of Dems being in denial about this election being rigged they should be investigating and also fixing the voting machines so this can never happen again.
I agree with you! At least Trump won’t be running, but if Musk is still involved in the Republican Party he has said that he knows how to “work with” voting machines. Trump even said how effective Musk was in “checking “ voting machines in his campaign which “made a difference”.
The only way felon⁴⁷ doesn't run is if he's deceased. The Constitution means absolutely nothing to these people. He'll issue an executive order that says he can run &, if Chuck the Cuck is still head of the Dem party, no one will do a damn thing to stop it.
Agree with you, but I can’t see Schumer lasting much longer than the Mid Terms.
I know
.they KNOW
Tend to agree. Sadly.
They plan to use musk's 'expertise' to turn CA red. 😬
Yeah, I personally don’t see a finger being lifted anywhere to make sure there’s no repeat of satellites and fires, bombs and $1million dollars paid to voters if they vote trump.
So many details we seem to not care about. How about simply “We have all the votes we need”. How about that one!
Yes. I remember that.
Great painting of the Strongest Leader of the Free World.Although I prefer this iconic one!
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Why are you posting here? Goodbye!
He doesn't give a shit about you. You will learn.
Go back to Truth Social fuckstain.
Now I follow you
What is Trump’s problem with this picture! He looks totally better and a bit kind. That is more than what he really is, an ugly tyrant.
Maybe that's what he wants: an ugly tyrant portrait. 😉 It would be a better likeness and more accurate depiction of him. 😆
i believe this should be posted everyday , everywhere. Even on X but that would get you booted.
but the portrait did capture the reptilian dna
Only need one title, convicted.
If donald and Lindsey Graham had a baby, it might grow up to look just like that.
It’s not “mug shotty” enough!
Wish you wouldn’t. He is repulsive.
Where are the darts or rotten tomatoes?
Honestly, it’s a good painting. Considering the subject matter, I think she almost made him look like a normal human.
Ha! I think she captured his true soul. Dead
F him
I think this painting is extremely flattering.
She's left out the evil.
Yes, that’s exactly what’s missing!
Maybe that's why he hates it
-Ear tampon*
😆 🤣 😂
I fixed it for him
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OMG! This is so perfect!🥇😂🤣😂
🤣🤣 much better. He now looks more like the orange faced Oompa Loompa he is 😂😂😂
That orange is a nice touch…
Dead on balls accurate!
You got it
I didn't realise it needed more orange
I think k it needs more orange.
Poifect!! 🤣😂🤌
Forgot his stash
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Perfection 👌🏼
You forgot the glow in the dark hair.
I bet that’s why he hates the original - not orange enough! 😆
Omg reposted!!!

This needs to be put on the other site too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Now it is perfection!
“More orange” is like Donald’s “more cowbell” 😂
From any perspective, Trump exhibits all the attributes of tyranny. A tyrant has no place in a civilized world. As long as Trump remains, America can no longer be regarded as civilized.
I didn’t even notice his lack of Orange!
The orange king
He might like this better.
lol I knew it didn’t look right before!
A new dart board, nice!
Let’s just go ahead and engrave 2025 on that plaque. 😅
Tbf that looks more like Lindsey Graham than Trump…still too flattering for trump tho
The photo comments though. 😂 💀

Ya’all got me giggling pretty good.
He literally fatter than usual!
What a bloviated gobshite.
This comment wins the internet for me today. 😂😂😂
The Tiny Dicktater!
Kinda looks like a cross between Lindsey Graham and Trump....🤔🥴
You see it too!!!!!
…it’s the first thing I saw!!
Yes, and it ain't pretty!🫣
Ronald McTrump 🍔🍔
💩his official picture.
That can be updated as soon as we end his presidency.
Who the hell is it? No, really, who is it ? Does trump have another child , not as ugly as him ?
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New one here
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This is my favorite! 😃
Thank you 🙏 the eye makeup worked way better than I could have imagined 😆
If Bobby Hill from King of the Hill grew up…
Bobby would be a much better leader than McDumpster, I tell ya hwat
Lol lol 🤣
This just cracks me up. It’s the little things right now.
His royal putrescence