Seems they already have buyers remorse. They should have realized if you vote for a lawless Felon, you get him sympathizing with others who commit crimes, especially if it's on his behalf. Trump will invite these Kindred Spirits to the White House & revel in their idolizing him!
Hey! Off topic but I wondered if you are writing or plan to write another book to help us make sense of it all? Listening to Fantasyland now. Sure does sound familiar.
Now that he's won the election, Trump may not care who criticizes him. Imperious & delusional as a pretender to the throne, he figures I'm the king, I can do what I want. Until someone - or someones stop him - he will, to use his own word, continue the carnage.
The fact that they endorsed Trump in the first place is shameful and disgraceful, did they really expect a different outcome to reelecting a felon? Sadly this is just the beginning of 4 years of hell or worse