Progressives need to put all hands on deck and steer this ship towards a better future. We need to care about the planet and the world that the next generation is going to grow up in. Right now things are looking quite dystopic, but there are more of us than there are of them (the oligarchs).
We're not moving anywhere. We're staying right here and taking back our country. Capitalists aren't trying to push liberals to leave, fascists are. Fascists will never win here, NEVER
Yes yes move so the rest of us can worship our overlord billionaires. I want to keep working a full time job that doesn’t pay the rent so my overlords can have more money to buy the government
you know, the one where you just get to make half-assed generic lib-bait ethics + morality outrage-bait and disenchantment + despair-farming replies on the internet all day
if you do it for free, that's like. so embarrassing 😬 donating to the 🎩bills 💸🔥
to express yourself, agree, but most if not all the other mentioned will bankrupt our country. If want to give something make sure you can afford it, easy for a politician to say free this free that, money does not come out her pocket. only if she cover everything from her personal account
Yet countries like Finland, Australia, NZ, Norway, Denmark and others manage to not be bankrupt while doing exactly what AOC is advocating for. The USA people have been brainwashed to believe that a socialist democracy is bad, when it's actually the opposite.
because they budget for it, if they have the funds they provide the service, they don't just randomly come up with a law that requires government to provide this and that for free.
Where do you think the money comes from? Through taxes. Yet the people are not onerously taxed - it's fair & distributed. Laws are in place - our minimum wage is mandated by law. Paid annual leave (4 weeks) is mandated by law. Paid parental leave for 6 mths - by law. Etc
you know how many kids come to our country from all over the world looking for help from our doctors. yeah they are not bankrupt because they only provide healthcare they can afford. Nothing for free. you know how many people get ER care and surgery from our hospitals without ever paying a penny.
We’re a capitalist country.
We’re the only one of the top 32 countries in the world without universal healthcare.
you know, the one where you just get to make half-assed generic lib-bait ethics + morality outrage-bait and disenchantment + despair-farming replies on the internet all day
if you do it for free, that's like. so embarrassing 😬 donating to the 🎩bills 💸🔥
Why should healthcare only be for the wealthy?