Then let us begin. I have been nagging them for a general strike promotion for over 6 years, TYT in particular. We are now seeing movement in their rhetoric and logic. I trust Sarah Moe at StrikeForOurRights in Instagram. I see you have your own movement. We can both approach them as one movement
Let us consider an in tandem approach so as to maximize the usage of our most finite resource: time. While SFOR and GSUS are in talks, if any, we should promote this possible partnership not only as a possibility, but a necessity to all populist networks, digital or otherwise. What say you?
I agree! I have an indirect affiliation with them and have been waiting for an opportunity to offer more than a few dollars and amateur strategies. Alas! I wasted 6 years on TYT thinking that was my best hope only to find they are unethical at best.