Boom!!! This is the reason in one paragraph. Pedaphelia, abuse and lies is NOT what Jesus did (WWJD)and not in the Bible they clutch and hold high while doing these awful acts to their parishioners.
And then there are those that require an #OrangeMessiah to believe God is good and they will be saved??? They see and hear his hate and vengeance and bow to him. Unfathomable to me and yet, here we are.
I stopped because I actually read that evil book! The"bible" has a few nice parables; a whole LOT of evil and a lot of magical thinking.
But christians do not actually read the entire thing...they just cherry pick what they want from it
So true, at least for my own journey. I was taught as a kid that to be Christian was to “try” to be “Christ-like” while also understanding that humans are flawed enough to not achieve that goal: and, yet; the goal was still preached and encouraged. I’m atheist now, but still try to live Christ-like.
But christians do not actually read the entire thing...they just cherry pick what they want from it
I escaped the Abrahamic blood cults of 'Christ'.
It's the rare individual that does.
Fuck delusion.
Embrace reason.
May reason rule.