I'm concerned that ppl may think all we need to do is follow ASHRAE 241 of deliver 6 ACH to ensure safe indoor air
When that fails, there will be a backlash against Safe Indoor Air
When that fails, there will be a backlash against Safe Indoor Air
They were never going to stop the pandemic
Neither will ASHRAE 241 or 6 ACH
But they are only the start
Patients are compromised & susceptible
Mortality rates of HAIs (Healthcare Acquired Infections) are high
In the order of 100x higher than community acquired infections
Looking into this Iβm thinking it would easy to achieve high air flow rates quietly through a wall/ceiling mounted box with UV lamps hidden inside.
Is it the concerns around exposed UV that are stopping people DIYβing this?
It's less expensive than replacing HEPA filters in the long term, but the immediate sunk cost per unit is much more than the most expensive air purifier I've come across.
Multiple layers improve success."
A very important concept that keeps getting lost.