It’s so sad that many well paid police officers voted for Trump. They believe in his tax cuts & DJT is a “Strong” leader.
Let’s hope they get a clear head soon.
yep: just as in Trump's first term the DoJ will NOT be checking on wayward local police - living in a state with a Red Gov. will not be conducive to one's health
I also truly wonder, if Trump does pardon the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, if he will go on to effectively bless their militia status as specially protected... and maybe even elevate them as his own Praetorian Guard. Would not be surprised if he'd prefer loyalty-oathed militia over Secret Service
Re: paramlitaries, I worry more about militarized ICE & other Federal LE agencies than the potential domestic use of the military, because unlike the military with its UCMJ, civilian law enforcement has NO standards of conduct and are effectively impossible to hold accountable for almost anything
As a retired atty (appellate crim law first as an ADA, then as a pub defender), I never lost sight of the importance of ethics. It was drilled into my head. Seems unfortunate that so many attys sold out, and employ tactics that are less than ethical to further causes that are anything but ethical💔
Amen - In a world w Tops & Bottoms in every community, Professions provide paths to the Middle for most.
When Dr's speak up @ womens health & teachers & librarians @ teaching truth & Clergy remind us of our humanity, these are paths to vigilance against tyranny.
I'm a Crown civil counsel in Ontario, working for the provincial government. No accident that we are CROWN counsel. It is an awareness that informs all our work: although instructions come from the political govt of the day, foremostly we serve the Crown and the constitutional order it anchors.
When you find yourself a blue-dot in a red sea, connect the dots. Seek & find ways to understand the humanity in our neighbors, there is common ground in music, food & drink.
Since first reading your book, I have subscribed to more periodicals and newsletter newsletters than I can read simply because I believe the degradation of the public sphere can only be reversed by rational assessments remaining available. Demand facts and logic. Defend the public sphere!
Don’t believe your lying eyes. Trump’s mask is off and his dystopian fascist reality is taking shape. There are disaffected Magalites getting disillusioned every passing day. Help them onward to join the pro-Democracy coalition and turn it into a supermajority-this is how you turn the tides blue. 💙🌊
Ask not what your country can do for you -ask what you can do for your country. When “We the People” stand United, under the hallowed banners of liberty, equality and justice for all and fight “BIGLY”, we will not only prevail, but we will WIN to let freedom ring loud, clear and blue. LFG! 💙💙🌊🌊
It’s FAFO time for them- they are starting to feel distraught, insecure and panicked-this is the opportune time to “demagafy.” This way when Mango Mussolini tries to sing his pied-piper song again,(he will) they will not only be immune/but will vociferously reject his mesmerizing beckoning call.
Just roll up the “truth” newspapers NOW and smack them around mercilessly and we won’t go back!! We have until 1/20/2025” where “We the People” have immense power to change the course of our collective manifest destinies. When we fight “BIGLY” we will not only prevail, but we will win!
“To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself“ - Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Strong 🦻HEARtS💙💙 Clear eyes👀. It ain’t over until the fat Orange convict singsings on 1/20/2025! We are not going back! Divide-conquer and convert the MA.GA.
You’re asking us to defend SCROTUS and the two Senator rule? Sorry, no can do. I’d revise the book. Not all institutions are tools of democracy. In fact, the two mentioned are highly undemocratic and repressive. Sure, we can wait 50 years to even out the SC playing field, but this is not reasonable.
I have a few on the top of my lists. Limiting them to just 3: institutions supporting health (CDC/DHHS), Justice (DOJ/FBI) and free press (NPR, The New York Times). 😊
Let’s hope they get a clear head soon.
Very few Americans ask - what happened to make them leave their homes, towns, villages to start with ..
We’ve exported military skills to some of the worst
This becomes particularly more germane during Trump’s second term, given that he’s surrounded by loyalists. ▪️
When Dr's speak up @ womens health & teachers & librarians @ teaching truth & Clergy remind us of our humanity, these are paths to vigilance against tyranny.
Tyranny you have on both sides of the political spectrum.
This is why centrism rocks.
Liberals are/should be now the new conservatives.
We tolerate everything but intolerance!
Individual freedom, but also duty!