Wtf Oklahoma
"An Oklahoma bill would make it illegal for all cities in the state, except Oklahoma City and Tulsa, to provide shelters or outreach for homeless citizens—and would also require them to immediately end any existing programs."
"An Oklahoma bill would make it illegal for all cities in the state, except Oklahoma City and Tulsa, to provide shelters or outreach for homeless citizens—and would also require them to immediately end any existing programs."
Like why would someone do that
What might they be planning
the bill defines homeless as being 'anyone who lacks a regular nighttime residence'
And includes 'persons and families who do not have access to normal accommodations as a result of violence'
So basically it would also close shelters for victims of domestic violence
Ban COVID-19 vaccines and mask mandates in schools (in 2021).
Ban LGBT books from schools, firing all librarians who didn't immediately remove them.
And then there was the fun "Students' Religious Belief Protection Act," which died in committee and...oh, this one is a real...
Allowed parents to sue schools for promoting positions in opposition
Obviously he meant "Christian" but the way he worded it would have prevented a biology teacher from both teaching evolution and potentially NOT teaching evolution.