OMG. Just watched video about these I think maybe instead of trading in my M2 Mac mini for Mac Studio M3/M4, I can set my sights on the new cheaper M3 Airs! 😮 GPU Raytracing! Totally there!
OMG, light blue ones are so adorable! 🥰
Apple, last Retro Comp Co. standing
OMG, light blue ones are so adorable! 🥰
Apple, last Retro Comp Co. standing
I got 16gb 256 but I run my main out of externals in my Quiizlab hub, xtra terrabytes for 99$!
If I bought one of these it would be for the 3D strictly. I would probably leave it closed a lot? Not sure. But haven't had a laptop in ages & my last MacBook Pro has a CD-R burner. 😂
Wife had an M1 shredded 256 SSD (14%!) but was so fast. sold me.