a handful of some favourites~ mamma mia, twilight, the amazing spiderman 1, the proposal, the devil wears prada,
jurassic park 1 or jurassic world 1 (“scary” but also dinos and ik who dies so im personally comfy with them)
im trying to think of more ill let you know if i have a lightbulb
I watched Pride and prejudice, both versions of Emma AND Sense and sensibility all in the past like 4 days… I’m feeling like I need to fall in love after that
it’s mine too! the amount of times I watch it should be studied. I listen to the soundtrack whenever i’m feeling down. awe winnie the pooh is a good one
so i dont have a comfort movie per se but when im going through it i watch the last few minutes of princess diaries 2 to watch mia get announced queen of genovia
jurassic park 1 or jurassic world 1 (“scary” but also dinos and ik who dies so im personally comfy with them)
im trying to think of more ill let you know if i have a lightbulb