Remember when Republicans had a flying fit over Hillary's emails when she ran against trump in 2016 (Hillary's emails were very tame in comparison to this) yet they have barely uttered a word as Musk invades both classified & personal information on the people of the US. Wake up MAGA!
You know what I think, the first Democrat to give Trump or Elon an actual black eye will be re-elected forever without asking for a dime of campaign money…
Isn't it interesting how Republicans were largely responsible for 9/11 but they used it to start 2 wars and introduce the total surveillance of Americans.
And yes, that's how it's always worked. It's the art of using their own failures for their own purposes, just scream "patriotism" and it's ok
Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality, lies and hypocrisy!! It is by its promise of a sense of power that evil often attracts the weak.
And yes, that's how it's always worked. It's the art of using their own failures for their own purposes, just scream "patriotism" and it's ok
Musk no more
Petition to revoke Elon's US citizenship, send him packing