my indie animation opinion is that we don’t need 12 million pilots it’s ok to make a standalone short and honestly better because you open and close your story in one chapter-I think the ability to do that in a succinct way says a lot about your capabilities as a writer and artist
Dumpster Fire by Jazlyte, POWER RECORDS by Emily Zullo, Horny by Zhangir, Guard Duty Doggy by Lotusbandicoot, Bodies of Water by Sournoodl, all great stand alone shorts!
Gooseworx's GHOST of the YEAR was amazing, but it didn't seem to resonate with people as much as her other works, if it would've been setup for a pilot, it may had flopped...
A lot of creatives nowadays wanna create their own stories and aim for a new Digital Circus or Helluva, but I think is worth seeing successes of the past that didn't require to create an entire studio, stuff like Homestuck or Lackadaisy