Kes is the first of a handful Esmé variants that I've created. She was created from the implication that Esmé was dealt an unfair hand (as said by a NPC in DST), and also because she has doubted herself on one occasion. Besides that, Kes doesn't ever want to be mean but can if you're mean. (2/?)
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Honestly, the people who think she's arrogant and vain and/or just see her as "Ough sexy mime lady" REALLY do not see much past her. She's a lot more than that. She's compassionate for her friends and loved ones, first off.
I've drawn her, variants included and everything, over A HUNDRED TIMES. If that doesn't sell to you that I love her so dearly then I do not know what will. This lady is just the best. She is awesome, no questions asked.
I. LOVE. THIS. LADY. SO. MUCH. and YOU can't stop me.