Don't worry GenZ, just do what previous generations did when bored:
1. Vandalism & property destruction
2. Recreational substance & alcohol use in the woods
3. Look at pornography (also in the woods)
4. Smoke cigarettes behind a shed
5. Go to war
6. Be in a montage
1. Vandalism & property destruction
2. Recreational substance & alcohol use in the woods
3. Look at pornography (also in the woods)
4. Smoke cigarettes behind a shed
5. Go to war
6. Be in a montage
Alas, the early internet came into being right before I would have learned those skills. I learned to find it in the most innocent seeming of chat sites/programs instead.
Well, maybe not the war part but I‘ve definitely seen servicepeople with skateboards.
8. Learn the words to a song
9. Practice some hobby/ies