Yes, no one is arguing that the game should have g rank lv of challenge. The issue is that most reviewers are not engaging with the game systems like normal players would and still come out feeling like it was too easy.
Monster hunter has always been a cycle of Hunt - Craft - Prepare. And it seems like wilds is sacrificing the preparation and making the crafting optional so that it can become a boss rush simulator.
Monster Hunter Tri and 3U were very punishing games, even outside of grank. Even in low rank I would occasionally fail a hunt, not to mention Jhen or Cedeus which would make anyone sweat. This was lessened a little bit in 4U, but I still almost failed quests against Gore and failed a few times w/ --
--Shagaru. Rise was different in that low rank was comically easy, but High rank felt more in line with past high ranks once they added in the update elder dragon trio and Narwa. It's really disappointing that reviewers are saying it's even easier than Rise, because the entire story is in low rank..
Don't you think you're talking about a solved problem, then? Rise was indeed very easy until the title updates and never really got *hard* until Sunbreak. World itself followed a similar progression as base World wasn't really all too bad except for the Elders, and then the game ended with Fatalis.
I'm talking about something I wish they'd solve that wasn't a problem before. In 5th gen, there not being much challenge until post release made the games feel like a demo but with a lot of content. No point in grinding armor if you can beat the game with the starter gear. Then they leaned into it.