He just had a vet thrown out of a town hall for exercising his constitutional right to question and criticize elected officials. They have forgotten that they work for US. And the officers who removed that citizen violated his civil rights and the Constitution of the United States he fought for.
We told them before they voted. There was a document about it. Those who voted for this administration focused on hate/their benefit on the backs of others, while not considering that they’re another brick on the road. They NEVER were for you. They distracted you w/ a culture war & yall fell for it
He wasn’t being violent, simply speaking his mind. I’ve heard Greene say similar things to the former President and not get pulled off the floor by police.
Yet this guy gets pulled out for what, harsh language? Please… don’t tell me our representatives can’t handle bad words!!!
Bravo!! They need to start listening to the constituents because we do not agree with what the Fascist Republicans are doing to our CONSTITUTION and to our FREEDOMS.
I trust the man not wearing the gross unkempt mangina beard lots less than the screaming, cast on one arm man that made total sense even as it took 4 police officers to remove him.
I hope that those clapping were in support of the veteran and not clapping that he was being removed.
Why did not more people stand up with him and lock arms? "Let him speak"
He's 100% accurate, and zero fucks were indeed given before, during, or after.
If that guy has to die so the GOP can make ONE dollar more, that's going to be knowingly, willingly, GLADLY accepted by the 4th Reich Republicans,.. and the cost to them?
They just have to lie about it again, that's all.
If my R holds a town hall meeting and I show up and tell him to fuck a duck and eat a bag of dicks, that’s MY RIGHT as an American. And don’t you dare put a hand on me.
I was there. Congressman Edwards could have tried to defuse the situation but instead ordered sheriffs to remove the vet. But Edwards was overwhelmed all evening by a large crowd of local democrats mad as hell! Plus, 100s more outside shouting all evening. Felt like good trouble all night!
The U.S. has a terrible record of supporting veterans. Especially true with Trumpasaurus Wrecks in charge who absolutely loathes the military because they remind him of what a fucking coward he truly is.
He'd rather see it & everyone associated with it destroyed.
The odd thing is, they all think DEMOCRATS are the ones cutting their base housing appropriations, their health care, their pensions . . . and it's always Republicans doing that.
If these were Republicans don't like the fact that we're mad about the decisions they're making, maybe they should rethink their decisions before they vote! Think about who they're going to hurt with their Draconian laws!!
I hope he had a conversation with those cops outside. It could have gone like this. Are you guys really ok with this? You are being complicit. You just pulled a veteran out of the meeting. Are any of you veterans? How about your buddies? Do you know the sacrifices many of have made or make?
People got closer to film the moment but none went to stop. Same thing happened when Mr Green shouted at trump’s speech. None of the democrats went on to defend him. Here at least there were some voices against the act.
What sad situation for this country.
A vet is mad as hell, escorted out for speaking the truth and there’s a felon in the White House who avoided service because of bones spurs.
Huge kudos to this guy but how much more powerful if everyone had stood up and supported him - they couldn't throw them all out and they know it. You NEED to stand up together guys - PLEASE!!!
Im looking into the site authenticity for the Trump petition. I found "public" information that was redacted electronically and a Thailand home number. Im checking further.
If you can clap you can stand up with our Vetrans! I'm ashamed not one other person stood up with him! He wasn't even being aggressive. Just practicing his first ammendment rights, or does the Constitution not matter anymore?
I hope.
He senses that there are a lot of republicans that are not going to vote for him the next time he's up for an election after this town hall and if you've seen the whole thing, there was a lot of stuff, he either avoid or lied about.
A maga republican doesn't like what you say or feels threatened because you stood up? He wasn't moving forward that I could see. I only saw a frustrated citizen using his freedom of speech.
I watched it a few times and there wasn't any aggressive movement towards the front even when being escorted out he walked backwards out of the building. Still exercising his right to speak but that's all. He didn't even resist police or security ( not sure who )
I appreciate that.
I don't say this in spite, im British, the country who voted Boris Johnson because he was jolly
Yet this guy gets pulled out for what, harsh language? Please… don’t tell me our representatives can’t handle bad words!!!
Second, thank-you for standing up and not mincing words with those that want to destroy people's lives.
Why did not more people stand up with him and lock arms? "Let him speak"
If that guy has to die so the GOP can make ONE dollar more, that's going to be knowingly, willingly, GLADLY accepted by the 4th Reich Republicans,.. and the cost to them?
They just have to lie about it again, that's all.
Vets gotta stand up for vets, and vets gotta stand up for everyone.
1st Amendment 👌
Going to need a lot of police for your fascist state, Donald Diaper. Surely that will cost more?
Eventually it won’t be a financial cost, but turn to something more sinister
#Police grab women who speak out & drag them out.
Could the #Police be bigger pussies?
The U.S. has a terrible record of supporting veterans. Especially true with Trumpasaurus Wrecks in charge who absolutely loathes the military because they remind him of what a fucking coward he truly is.
He'd rather see it & everyone associated with it destroyed.
That's what we need to do. One of us gets kicked out, and someone else takes over til we have a choir!!!
Get him!!!!!!
we are f-cked.
protests and letters won't stop a thing.
we're going to need a lot more. we'll have to take on the cops and more.
A vet is mad as hell, escorted out for speaking the truth and there’s a felon in the White House who avoided service because of bones spurs.
Sad thing is we already knew we screwed.
These are the people that feel deeply betrayed.
He senses that there are a lot of republicans that are not going to vote for him the next time he's up for an election after this town hall and if you've seen the whole thing, there was a lot of stuff, he either avoid or lied about.
It's either a political solution or a violent one.
Your choice.
Actual American Citizens
Lock arms with somebody they are trying to remove until there are too many people to be removed !