My ex mother in law once said "what will you give your kids you don't give them faith!!" I said "the ability to choose for themselves" A year later she took them to a secret baptismal which caused her not to see my kids for well over a year
the only way she was allowed back in was an off site meeting about respecting my beliefs or stay gone. I always felt like it didn't count bc they didn't know what was going on at all. on the flip side if it means layers of protection from my gods and hers then so be it.
One of the best things my Dad ever did for me is stopping my religious zealot grandmother from influencing me. Needless to say she hated her son- in-law.
Shady AF!! The suck turd signed up EVERYONE to follow jd Vance. I’m LIVID!!! Spread the news. Hundreds of pages I follow that I for sure KNOW wouldn’t following him are!!! You e got to check for yourself and spread the word!!! I’m salt Hawk arts on IG. And I would NEVER!!!