On the one hand, it’s kinda nice to go through lists and go “hey I know you!” over and over. On the other hand, god it would be nice to have a way to import contacts or at least check for duplicate names/usernames.
Watch out for that pointy eared twink with a sword. He may come by and do one of 3 things
1. Strap you to a rocket and launch you...somewhere.
2. Glue you to an elaborate torture device
3. Create the worst "car" ever known to man and give you brain damage transporting you
to your friend
People hate the koroks but I lowkey love the cute noise the one at the tent makes when you finally reach them. They're just so happy to have their friend back.
You can find your twitter and mastodon friends here :)
1. Strap you to a rocket and launch you...somewhere.
2. Glue you to an elaborate torture device
3. Create the worst "car" ever known to man and give you brain damage transporting you
to your friend
I have to drop everything I’m doing and if there’s monsters I just ignore them and keep walking