this is why I’m donating $200 to the Finger Lakes Climate Fund this year
it would’ve been better not to fly and I know it, but harm reduction
it would’ve been better not to fly and I know it, but harm reduction
double that for a long haul flight
2 tons per person per year of total emissions - including home heat and power, driving, flying, consumption, etc - is about where we should be globally to stay under 1.5C
I’m not there yet
but some of the policy is stuff like what’s in the quoted post: assessing the true cost to society of the stuff we do (like flying) and incorporating that into our policy decisionmaking
individuals can also do that
it’s just so personally hard, and fixing that industry is way farther off than so many others
have landed on “seeing people I care about or doing fun life-restorative things with them is the only thing I’m gonna fly for anymore,” and I am unsettled in my mind about it but that’s where I’m at
IMHO offsets are mostly bullshit but if they create real fossil fuel demand destruction I’m about em