Not saying that protest is bad. Or even that people shouldn't raise their voices, only that we should depict the real fight...and this meme does not do that. I'd rather have Katniss as a meme than the big boot.
Revolutions aren’t won by sitting around telling people to not do anything. They will not wipe out the entire population either- they need us to survive; not the other way around. We outnumber the military and billionaire class put together- I understand risk but I also understand logic.
I wasn't suggesting that people do nothing, only that they pretty pictures are an illusion. They are working very hard to not need the masses - bots and drones, etc. It is a different war and we need different strategies because dying in the street probably isn't good enough.
That’s an even better reason to get motivated- the longer we sit in the boiling pot, the worse it gets- including replacing us altogether. We have an opportunity right now to stop this shit timeline. No disrespect my friend- I hope my passion isn’t coming across as snarky.
Not at all. I get passionate as well. I am a Cassandra -- so I'm used to being told I'm over reacting. I would contrast this meme with the famous one from Trenaman Square - one man standing up to tanks. Noble, but the tanks won. What will mass protest do....and how?
I’m not suggesting a free for all; a coordinated effort for sure though. We can plan to infiltrate places and gain access to weapons, tanks, etc. As Americans we are resourceful group that can do this IF we come together. One person may not be able to do much, sure but a fuck ton of us? 😳
This isn't Havel's Velvet Revolution. Scale is significantly different. Also, Havel had an idea (a real political theory) and a plan and he achieved it over time. That doesn't exist in the protest these days. (Tiananmen Square, I meant.) Act - of course, act.
I think we should start listening to our indigenous neighbours and learn how to live in a world that has been taken over while still mounting a resistance to evil.
And that makes you a true hero. My hat is off to you. They say one should never fear, only that one should still act. It is still good to recognize -- an illuminate-- the quality of the danger.
That depends. Are you going to be indiscriminately violent with no purpose other than anger? Then, no. I'm not. If you have a plan and a goal, then it is far more likely that I"ll be there, but I am a lousy shot. I'm a thinker. It is what I am good at.
Oh trust me, I've been screaming about the end of the US for decades, but no one wanted to believe it, especially if they've had any part in it. This is not a surprise to me. But I'm old, it isn't my life, it is the life of the young 'uns.
True, and unlikely to change soon, I'm afraid. My point was that this image paints far too rosy a picture of the effectiveness of mass protest. The tech is different, and the response needs to be as well. More Hunger Games, less Tiananmen Square
This is a fair observation. We could perhaps look into having drones too.. it could be a good way to include people who can't physically march and fight, or who have better technical ability than social.
i only have instagram. i too quit all the other meta but choose to be anonymous and change names periodically in order to share and receive more vital info.
I’m not judging- just letting you know that I can’t see it unfortunately. I am thankful for the people who still deal with the meta accounts to help pass along information- thank you.
The insidiousness of "First They Came" is that They preyed on people we don't know. They are relying on you hoping this will all pass over.
You are already in the fight for your life. You just don't realize it yet.
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun?'