We're over-reacting, eh? Just wait a few weeks more and when it's too late, they'll be shouting "why didn't you warn us?" There's no end of ways that stupid people can convince themselves that it's your fault, not their own.
I agree. Only because while they think all is ok, they aren't watching or reading or listening to real news. I know they're busy and THAT is a huge problem. Parents w/kids and doctors and jobs, it is hard to keep up. If they're a FG fan, no matter. For now.
Ok, here's the thing about the "busy"- everyone knows what happened on 9/11. And everyone knows what happened on Jan 6th when they voted on November 5th. They chose to ignore it, I think, or reduce the severity of a Traitorous Inserructionist.
We’re in it for the long run, keep resisting! RBG broke stands as one of the major voices for civil rights in US History. Please pass her story to others through this original song and presentation. https://youtu.be/vv03ViEs2Ms
I’ve come to realize the people in his cult can’t be convinced it’s a bad idea until it bites them in their own asses. Sadly, we’re all going to suffer for their selfish behavior.
We keep hearing this is not who we are. But in fact it’s exactly who we are, & until we confront it and admit it and stop denying it, it’ll live on. The confederate flag still stands, why? DEI is some how a bad thing, betraying allies is strong, electing a felonious man, rejecting a woman candidate
FK them…
They are attacking Social Security again… We have to hold them accountable
Impeach dtrumpf… where are our elected representatives? I feel with the exception of Mark Kelly ignored
8647 NOW… a corrupt liar