R's are not here to help their constituents, they are in congress to assist the makeover over our democracy into a fascist feudal system where 1 felon has all the power and everyone, excluding the oligarchs, must grovel for the scraps. And then must say thank you.
Republicans can’t face their constituents because their constituents are being directly affected by their policies & they’re defenseless. The Republican voters are losing their jobs, groceries are going up & not down, and they’re witnessing our gov’t being destroyed by an unauthorized South African.
Federal government is pulling out of every social program. Putting the responsibility back to the states, then the states don’t need to fund Trump and Elons federal piggy bank
And supporters still in denial. Just saw a post on FB that the DEI purge from govt websites is just a mistake and will be fixed soon.
The Omen. Just saying, that kid spends more time in the white house than trump.