Correct-o! Mainstream media has gone to the dogs.. good as dead ../ independent journalists/reporters not affiliated with corporate agencies are much more credible.
Where are the rest of the News Media, National,Regional and Local? In the coming Billionaires Gilded Age y’all are only getting to repeat the official Oligarchs USA Country Club propaganda! Y’all better get off your asses and make a STINK NOW while you still can!
add,,, and to your list if you can afford them. Delete, ,, and Actually, WSJ is actually doing better these days than WAPO and LATimes. They like their stock market over there.
So damn true - thank you to the Atlantic for acting with integrity not worrying about anything but the truth and simply REPORTING facts! #AtlanticStrongAndTrue🇺🇲
Totally support the Atlantic. Don't support the LA Times, WA Post, and NY Times. They aren't fit to wipe your ass. Better yet use them in the bird cage. Put these fuckers out of business. Mother Jones and the Atlantic are for the people.
Anything to avoid paying a fair share
They are a voice of truth in the wilderness.