Oh, I didn't get the memo? I don't read memos because I can't even read. I might have eaten it. There may have been a warning saying not to do that, but I wouldn't know.
"There's still a bunch of people that believe in trickle down economics" is a left-wing strawman. I literally only ever see the phrase used in memes like this.
Your feed is so confused, LOL. You're anti-communist and anti-libertarian but think they are opposite ends of the spectrum. Libertarianism was conceived by a French communist. You're railing against the neoliberal co-option of the term. And also identify as a Liberal (???)
A lot of these words have multiple meanings in different contexts. The term "libertarian" in America doesn't have much connection to the term as it was used in 19th century Europe. "Neoliberal" has been abused so much as to almost mean nothing at this point.
Because it is an insult. No one, EVER, said they were in favor of "trickle down economics". It is a phrase the left created to describe the effects of conservative orthodoxy: tax cuts and deregulation for the wealthy and corporations. Which the right still supports.
Ppl may not use the phrase “trickle down economics” but capitalism includes that perspective within its myths of how a society improves.. So we are left using Raegan’s forgotten tag lines to remind the public how idiotic capitalism has been for toooo loooong a time…
with free retro Jeff thrown in for added joy
Wait...I was 39. Did the math wrong.
Those folks skewer data, imho.
People don’t say “Raeganomics” much and I personally prefer it that way, knowing the actors at play.
Every time taxes are cut for the top most wealthy, the justification is *insert trickle down economic reasons*.