Your correct I apologize on my time frame, he signed the order in August 2020, but how come 4 1/2 years later does Biden sign the bill to ban it and not only that on the 19th the day before Trump is sworn in as president
Of the government stripping away the bulk of rights. It’s not an argument against the rights it’s an argument against the government who are no longer for the people.
So I fear Trump opens files about MLK & JFK to shine doubt on the government, ppl hail him as a savior & let him take over the government completely & he removes anything to get him back out. Social media gets controlled & there you have history repeated.
It doesn’t matter who is president or who is liberal, or conservative. We’re all Americans that are having our rights being taken away. The mentality of right vs left is what the government wants to keep the American people separated. Please stop spreading that rhetoric, people are upset because
Trump was president thru 1/20/21.
Thank you for telling the permanent internet that you have no use for history or facts that Trump,was President from 1/20/17-1/20/2021.
MAGA 1/6/21 defenders & normalizers of tax fraud, felonies, adultery & bigotry, insist on dumbing down the digital world.
Then Trump swooped in & saved tiktok like a hero, now he opens files about MLK & JFK to shine doubt on the government, ppl hail him as a savior & let him take over the government completely & he removes anything to get him back out. Social media gets controlled & there you have history repeated.
probably not smoking anything. trump supporters sadly display this level of aptitude even when sober. idiocy is bundled right along with anger like a packaged cable deal of shitty content nobody wants
Do liberals not read entire responses to post I apologized for my mistake, I also read where Trump did put it up for ban in 2020, so seriously people chill out, you don’t like my apology to effin bad but insulting me after I apologized makes you look like a fool
tbh i didn’t scroll through the whole thread. i don’t even know when i posted vs when you apologized. i’m not trying to pile on you whatever your political flavor is, i was just exchanging barbs
if you really want i’ll delete that post not a big deal…just lmk
No your good, we have no issues but I got hit by a lot of different people after I apologized and was just trying to respond, no ill will and thanks for posting back respectfully
The moon is actually moving away from the Earth by centimeters a year. I think, if we’re around, by the time it matters, we will be able to drag it back into close Earth orbit.
Brotha you might’ve apologized for your comment but the real issue is that you can’t go back and make up for your ignorance and lack of knowledge before casting a vote against your own and every working class persons interests. Just try to do better in the future
I’ll vote for who I damn well please and won’t apologize for it one bit, that’s the nice thing about rights in this country, attacking my knowledge makes you look foolish, you don’t know me, and just for info tik tok is back up? You try doing better when attacking people for apologizing
Thank you for telling the permanent internet that you have no use for history or facts that Trump,was President from 1/20/17-1/20/2021.
MAGA 1/6/21 defenders & normalizers of tax fraud, felonies, adultery & bigotry, insist on dumbing down the digital world.
if you really want i’ll delete that post not a big deal…just lmk