Unfortunately Blackington was out of Eye of Newt and used Saffron as a substitute. Upon drinking the adjusted potion, at best his mistress the witch could only speed walk with those funny arm movements and all the children she was trying to chase just laughed at her and successfully ran away.
Do you pay overtime to have black puddy cat stir cauldron after 15 hours? My little helper is on strike over this very issue. I give extra fish and he says he can't afford to take his callico out anymore given the price of catnip.
It is very expensive. I got VERY lucky because a friend of mine loves digging through the goodwill bulk bins near his place in L.A. and he found it there! I just got it in the mail from him yesterday.
I read the date as 1692 because I was born in Salem and wondered how they managed to get it published, then reread the date and realized I need my cats to mix me up something with a little caffeine in it.
But I'm not gonna be the idiot to go collect.
Now I know where it's from, thank you! 🤗💖