Wolves eat about 90%+ elk, although they're not above taking opportunities with other prey. But how they selected the elk surprised everyone.
When first introduced into the park they predominantly hunted from the bachelor herd. Which didn't much effect elk numbers.
So what did effect elk numbers ?
When first introduced into the park they predominantly hunted from the bachelor herd. Which didn't much effect elk numbers.
So what did effect elk numbers ?
Grizzly Bear recovery occurred at about the same time as wolf recovery.
Grizzly's mow down elk calves mercilessly. They're also kill and eat the cow if they can but for about the first six weeks or so of a young elks life they're helpless and just aren't fast enough to escape the bears.
A grizzly can take a calf a day during calving season, over six or so weeks that's maybe 40+ calves.
Grizzly also steal wolf kills, in some areas this occurs nearly 100% of the time.n
Alone wolves don't kill all that many elk for the pack to survive but add Grizzly and that number goes up
That will eventually whittle down the herds until a balance is struck.
So what happened ?
Why did elk numbers go up in Montana Idaho and Wyoming ?
That and hunters slaughtered wolves and bears with a vengeance.
Outside Yellowstone the situation is much different. Hunters prevent the system from balancing & chronic wasting disease is rampant
Hint: it's humans 100% of the time
No beef and dairy cattle breeding = no health problems and no injuries (for animals and farm workers)
And I've yet to see Bigfoot either.
However with thousands of messages a day don't take it personally If I miss your response.
However, extremely pleased by the amount of your followers and that you get thousands of replies. It went quick in the end.
Especially for rural deliveries.
Your welcome to suggest the correct spelling but without an edit button ;-/