Mia @mia-59.bsky.social pointed out the lack of democratic leadership in these insane times.
Where are they ?
Why aren't they out in the street leading protests, marching and raising all hell ?
Why aren't they all over the air waves screaming bloody murder ?
WTF is going on around here ?
Where are they ?
Why aren't they out in the street leading protests, marching and raising all hell ?
Why aren't they all over the air waves screaming bloody murder ?
WTF is going on around here ?
I bet the complainers on this thread haven't participated in local party politics, planned a fundraiser, organized a referendum, done a GOTV campaign.
Musk has found out already that he was only used for ready money.
Yes, politicians should be more active, but a popular movement is a way how to incentive them.
I have started calling mine, and I am drafting letters on different issues.
Get your friends and family to join you. Take your opinions to your representatives! Don't let them die on social media.
Democratic Socialism, anyone?
Own it in a way idiots understand.
I think the DNC is voting in a new head. The party has no leader right now.
Again, it's up to us.
They can come off that bench and join sanity if there is ever another election.
Yelling at the TV won't help. Getting involved will. Writing your representative and Senators. Attending local board meetings....
Using your voice to effect change.
Where. Are. Our. Representatives??
What is lower than this administration?
I don't want to find out or live in it.
It's pretty clear what happened but centrist democrats aren't going to like it.
Stay tuned.
What we need is a few whales to start marching and not stop.
We need a national strike
We need a general mutiny on federal taxes at all levels of the state and citizenry.
We need our elected officials to get up, brush themselves off and STOP COOPERATING.
So much of this thread sounds like the same old ‘who is going to save us’ . The answer is and always was ground up activism and participation. Be part of building the local coalition you want. That is where the individual can make a difference.
"In this moment, all sides should give each other a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of doubt, and take a breath." 💀
I have come to accept that They Won’t Do Anything More Than Selfies & Click LIKE…
Probably worried Trump will order that they be shot.
And look at our kowtowing corporate media.
We need some French and South Korean mentors to come over here and whip our asses into shape, ‘cause we are on our own.
The senate is another clstfck story, 🤬
They refused to come out against the sexual assault, torture and murder of over 1000 Israeli's and lost all credibility.
They're just not viable leaders.
The bs legacy that Israel <> Jewish people & religion is over!
Are you referring to the 1,700+ hostages kidnapped in Oct2023?
What I will say is absolutism within the party is killing any chance of democrats regaining power and the GOP plays that fault like a fiddle. If we can't learn to compromise with each other, we're done
There's a LOT @AOC is holding back but I still respect her.
maybe the ones you are missing know that.
that also know that when the dust settles they can't be the ones with dirty hands, because someone will have to take the wheel.
1. in shock
2. regrouping
3. not wanting to push Kamala out after all she tried to do to help
IMHO all donations should go DIRECTLY to the candidates of your choice and NOT to the DNC.
I will be voting for democratic primary challengers all the way down ticket and not for a single incumbent.
Any other voices trying to make themselves heard are silenced by MSM and social media.
Repression of protest is growing.
They've done their job, and collected their paycheck.
Were you under the impression they cared about you?
They are us. We are them. Us not doing it is the reason they aren't doing it.
People need organizers and leadership.
The not just failure but apparently active cooperation of the corporate centrist democrat representatives is stunningly apparent.
A friend started a grass roots activist group.
We are educating ourselves and sharing resources. Learning to participate in our local governments.
Our legislators do need to work. In this Congress, that requires a level of cooperation.
I tried from well before the election to get people to volunteer, take action, get involved, try to win.
Then I went to DC to demand Congress to invoke the 14th to block tfg's electoral votes.
The showing was pathetic.
The people are failing themselves.
Quit passing the buck. The whole conceit of democracy is that the people have the ultimate say.
If we don't withdraw our consent, that's on us. Nobody else.
Biden looked like a dope when he practically hug trump as he arrived. And then said "welcome home" with a big foolish, gullible smile. What a couple schmucks
Tomorrow would be a good day to be objecting in the street to Hair Furor illegally firing 17 Cov't agency Inspectors General.
A new leader needs to rise.
Witness kristi noem's nomination
And they can fuck themselves
Boomer need to retire ffs, they're old
Just go away & play with your grandchildren....
As for the party’s leaders, I’m not in the mood to fault them.
See the landscape you have pictured there?
The political landscape is UNRECOGNIZABLE.
Don't give him that.
Let him get all the attention for eff-ing up.