As if they haven't already pissed off enough people
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World-class lying by the Trump administration, Musk and the GOP. Putin would be proud of their mendacity.
someone needs to cross the wires on Musk's Tesla battery pack....WHEEE!!!!
I may kill him myself.
This whole mess is about the 1% getting more money and power. Stay focused on doing a thing a day to fight back. One conversation, one post, one small donation to support people getting the word out on social media. Think Marathon not sprint 👍 I wish you well
Perfect 🥰
They can't cut SS.
even the MAGA folks would turn against Trump (which is like their religion) but if they had a way of rigging elections they wouldn’t need MAGA
so we need to protest, call, ect ; build our power from the bottom up. Every school board, county elections official, governor, judge is important to win.
Voter fraud by Musk himself. Trump said, "they rigged the election and he won."
DOGE appears to be costing so much more than they think they are saving. Back Pay, AA leave. The cost of the resign program. Etcetera...
How is it not required that he present verifiable documentation and under oath before action is taken? That may just be a rhetorical question but still …
What a jackass!!!!
Is French Revolution time,yet?
We have to fight tooth and nail to protect ss that’s what they are after. Wall Street needs huge cuts in spending to justify the tax cut for the 1% they can’t have a collapse of U.S economy cause no country would want to hold U.S bonds, or conduct business with U.S again. They’d lose $
He posts statements for asking sympathy.
He can f-off!
And what country is he from again?
Federal Judges need support. NYT article today describes wave of threats from lunatic MAGAs triggered by POTUS Truth tweet.
"As if they haven't already pissed off enough people"

excellent - the only way we are rid of them is if they piss off enough voters...
Musk is a lying whore.
As an exile, I receive my SS payments overseas. I figured I'll be among the first to get the axe.
The people that bought his bullshit will now suffer from believing his bullshit.