Sunrise above a small island in the vast Sagebrush Sea.
In this cold high desert with all the creatures in their subterranean nests waiting for summer’s warmth. All the life –not considered by many– but obsessed on by few.
Snakes, lizards, seeds.
Cicadas, wasps, spiders.
All there. Waiting.
In this cold high desert with all the creatures in their subterranean nests waiting for summer’s warmth. All the life –not considered by many– but obsessed on by few.
Snakes, lizards, seeds.
Cicadas, wasps, spiders.
All there. Waiting.
... and reminds me of how whenever I'm by a water body in the winter I start singing "Dragonfly nymphs, we all know you're in there" to the tune of "Lunatic Fringe"
I want to put my ear against the pond ice to see if I can hear them doing their little pond thing.