Funnily enough, I had a close look at that very thing on Thursday evening, speaking at a function at Adelaide Oval and staying afterwards at the Oval Hotel, which allowed me to have breakfast overlooking the field.
It did look quietly impressive.
Amazing they have kept a strip of grass on one side!
It did look quietly impressive.
Amazing they have kept a strip of grass on one side!
Reposted from
Can only speak for my own experiences but I would think most Adelaideans would agree the Adelaide oval redevelopment was a massive success. It provides great pride.
I saw on TV late last week whereby the Cricket couldn't be played because AFL or a concert was going to be on.
Well...wasn't it built for cricket?
Another tale, Melbourne I think, on TV the other day said footy was no good "due to damage at AFL oval caused by a recent concert"
Proper usage?
Pete says it's impressive so I'll take his word for it.
But, like Fitzy's usual argument, how many Ambulances were "ramped", didn't save lives bc money was spent on that oval?
For mine, and from TV stories just this week, it's impossible to live there due to the scorching heat constantly and especially during the summer.
I had friends move there many years ago but last I saw they'd decamped to Qld's Sunshine Coast.