Now over 300 watchers? In just two days? How!?
I guess you can have two more roos...
I guess you can have two more roos...
1 / 2
I’m glad Carlie is too mature to hide things. Definitely no remotes in there. Definitely not watching cartoons.
Page 3.
your roos are fricking adorable! ú⩊ù
and a lot of oh sharing ô⩊ô
you have a bunch of well known people from the community already following you, so if they reposted, some people likely founed you like that! :D
I know I one of my friends is following you after I showed him
Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep Beep. Beeep Beeep
Will be interesting to see if this is a kind of "roll with the mental punches" kind of situation to avoid cognitive dissonance or an upswell of new emotional context.