buy Canadian.
Noble idea. an one I will pursue.
But I think we need to really consider applying this tactic to perhaps the most important industry.
A thread...
Noble idea. an one I will pursue.
But I think we need to really consider applying this tactic to perhaps the most important industry.
A thread...
Bye newspapers, hello twitter, facebook, and yes, Bluesky.
And some of these aren't even owned by Canadians.
Canadian Mainstream Media Ownership Index
Obviously, American media. Fox News, CNN (increasingly) don't provide an objective view of the universe. Washington Post, LA Times obviously compromise.
NYT increasingly suspect.
Don't give them your money.
In Alberta, its newspapers also seems to be rather infiltrated by quislings, with its main opinion writers almost exclusively taking the position of Trump's USA, over Canada.
Let's start with hyperlocal media. If you are lucky enough to still have a local paper, advertise with them, subscribe to them, put in classified ads. Do everything you can to keep from losing them.
I want it out of all of the hospitals…
Watching the 6 o’clock news hour on a couple channels was enough to keep you pretty well informed. Maybe pick up a paper every week or two
Stating informed can’t be expensive for a functional society
Also, the fact that our current digital media levy is very badly implemented doesn’t mean it’s inherently a bad idea. Tax on services like Netflix and Facebook, with the money distributed publicly
Put a tax on all advertising spending
And knocking down Canadian Interprovincial trade barriers would help boost the GDP by around 20%—more than offsetting any tariff. Will the Provinces do it?
(I’m not holding my breath)
Tag tezlas
Was more of an oversight than anything. thanks for suggesting
Les principaux journaux canadiens francophones sont La Presse et Le Devoir (financement public et indépendant), et Le Journal de Montréal + Le Soleil de Québec (propriétés privées du groupe Québecor - contenu populiste/de droite). 1/2
L’Actualité est un magazine mensuel d’affaires publiques (propriété de Mishmash media)
Je vais aller fouiner du côté des indépendants !
I prefer my news in print, and only suss out reputable sources
It's been much better for my mental health.