That is what I’ve been saying to. There’s all his cabinet members the GOP in Congress, the McConnell force Supreme Court Justices, the Heritage Foundation, The Federalist Society, Evangeligal Christian leaders to name but a few. This is an organized take over.
Yes missing the forest for the trees, those aiding and abeding Rump, Nuremberg showed the world the acolytes were held responsible after Rump his acolytes need to held responsible
2024 election was a revelation of what America is. Its not the "greatest country in the world." Its an angry country, with no values, other than hate. Hate for immigrants, hate for the rest of the world. Sadly, that's what we are as a collective.
Going deep into that era lately and I was struck by the deep occultism that helped the Nazis. If you read up on Madame Blavatsky and her acolytes in Germany, mixed with the anti-Semitism that already existed--plus Germany's suspect surrender--the seeds of discontent needed little water to grow.
He is absolutely 💯 correct. Nobody is reporting especially MSM and talking heads. Trump is lazy incompetent grifter and Elon is the de facto president. Elon, Peter Thiel and David Ball Sacks and other Oligarchs are running the administration directly/indirectly to create apartheid regime 2.0