More money isn't necessarily required - just subsidize social programs instead of corporations and the rich. Americans need to learn to vote for their own best interests, instead of voting against scapegoats.
Do you like having roads, bridges, fire and police services, public libraries, public schools, Medicare, and Social Security. They’re all socialism. Americans pay some of the lowest taxes in the world but childcare and healthcare remain out of reach for many.
So true. Bernie Sanders lost because he is a Democrat Socialist and Fox News totally latched onto the socialism aspect and freaked America out. I see Bernie now and am sick that ignorance kept him from the presidency. Socialism is not the enemy.
That's the problem with people who still rage that Bernie should have gotten the Dem nomination. It didn't matter how good his ideas were - in the US, socialism = communism. He would have lost in a humiliating landslide.
Isn't it great for the rest of us in developed countries, outside of the US, that we are not constantly worried about whether we are on the brink of financial ruin? It's so nice to be able to go about our day not worrying if an illness, or the loss of a job, will bankrupt us. Social Safely Nets❤️👍
More an more people in Canada are looking at the disaster in the US and saying "yes, that's what I want". Ontario just gave a third majority government to an openly corrupt right-wing buffoon.
My thought is that Capitalism teaches that moneyed elites are the only ones worthy of a comfortable life, and the lot of the working class and the poor is to struggle and suffer.
So the majority of Americans simply think this is the best there is.
Protestantism, mostly. If you're poor or sick it's a punishment from god and if you're wealthy then you're blessed. It's mostly just an excuse for conservatives to feel superior without feeling guilty. Like Social Darwinism or Karma.
Same happened with my in-laws when they came from Oklahoma to New England to visit. My Trumper father-in-law was going on about how when they got to a certain point everything looked so clean and prosperous.
Didn't bother to tell him they'd crossed into some seriously blue states right then.
After not one but two Obama wins broke MAGAs brains and allowed all the racists and misogynists to come out of hiding. So Black + woman for president in the U.S. was a long shot at best.
Well we’re not a socialist country and most ppl falsely associate socialism with Hitler, and we weren’t formed as a socialist nation. Most ppl can grasp social programs.
canada has the same issues. tommy douglas would never be elected in his old riding of weyburn sask today. the overton window has shifted so far right that the ndp are basically centrists. the libs centre right and the cons of the deep end into the far right.
It happens within the US as well. People will move to states with lower taxes for those lower taxes and then complain about how the public services are worse
It’s not fear of socialism. It’s hate. Racism. Xenophobia. European countries are homogenous. Norway is Norwegians. France is French. Italy is Italians. It’s easy to sell taking care of each other to populations that trace back 1,000+ years.
We want people to care about others who aren’t like us.
Grand idea! Wake up, America! Rolling Red Roads speaks the truth! I have been to Europe....I live in America...changes are needed, and socialism would be a miracle worker for our country in the throws of total destruction.
It's not "socialism." If it is is socialism, then so are: schools, paved roads, military, law enforcement, fire departments, etc., and everything taxes pay for.
The only difference is what matters to the citizens. For Europeans, what I listed are important, and so are all the things listed above.
Honestly, same problem as it ever was. No socialism in the US because brown people will be helped. However, no brown people in Europe (they think). Thus, socialism is okay in Europe.
Taxes don't fund it, its a choice. Its long been empirically proven that in 'Monetarily Sovereign' Nations (which is most), All National Revenues, including National Taxes, are Deleted, Not Saved, Nor Spent... National spending is essential for a thriving functional nation & economy. High tax isn't.
National Taxes have many important purposes, but its not for funding. Monetarily Sovereign Nations create their own currencies, its not borrowed nor taxed in order to spend. The spending MUST come 1st, or the money doesn't even exist...
The invention of tik tok shows that what you see as a tourist isn’t real life. EU definitely seems to care about its citizens and they have a lot of great things. They’re also heavily racist. Fascism is also at their doorstep
Additionally, "Mine! Mine! Mine!" is DEEPLY embedded in American culture.
So the majority of Americans simply think this is the best there is.
Didn't bother to tell him they'd crossed into some seriously blue states right then.
I cannot count all the times I’ve seen this mischaracterization ever since 2016 and Bernie Sanders fans started misleading ppl about it.
The term we use is "common sense".
We want people to care about others who aren’t like us.
The only difference is what matters to the citizens. For Europeans, what I listed are important, and so are all the things listed above.
Please keep this enforced as long as we have Republicans in The White House.