While RFKJ is busy making false claims about how dangerous the measles vaccine is, he forgets to mention that measles can cause pneumonias, brain swelling, and kills people. Get vaccinated. Your score per person is based on the overall health of your party.
Vaccines Protect Me From You-And Protect You From Me!
#Vaccination - is the Only Way to achieve 'Herd' or 'Community' Immunity!
Brag About Your Vaccinations!
Show Disdain for Anti-Vaxxers!
The Whole World Knows Better!
🇺🇸 🌍
This administration is eliminating the CDC and the BOE - to funnel money to parochial schools that won’t require vaccinations.
Well that’s one way to scale back the Christofascists quickly.
Have your arm hurt for a few minutes or die from measles??
Hmmm seems like an easy answer.
RFKJ is a completely heartless buffoon.