It sure has. I was 10 chapters in when I was interrupted. I’ll salvage some of it, but stepping back has helped me take a deeper look at the motivations and goals of the characters. The story feels much stronger already.
That’s so good. Whenever I feel like I’m losing control of things I stop reading back whatever I am writing and leave it at least a week. Then start again and it always helps so much
Shaping out what may turn out to be a novelette! Still trying to figure out rough deets though and that's going slow cause I can't concentrate worth a damn.
Do you use any sort of process to outline? I’ve been finding myself almost discovery writing for the last few weeks instead of outlining but really think some structure might benefit me. Also, sorry for 21 questions, any recs on writing podcasts? Besides “intentionally blank” I’m clueless
I'm trying different things, like planning by acts/chapters, hero's journey and the like. My favorite pod at the moment is Writing Excuses, and there's a lot of it 😁
Glad that your morning was lovely!~