Name your favorites from Star Trek:

Uniform: TOS
Spock: Nimoy (though Peck is good!)
Couple: Worf/Jadzia
Character: Garak
Ship: NCC-1701, no bloody A, B, C, or D.
Villain: The Doomsday Machine
Series: Deep Space Nine
Captain: Picard
Movie: The Motion Picture
Theme: Ilia's Theme
Guest: Jeffrey Combs
Reposted from Jake Black
Name your favorites from Star Trek:

Uniform: Monster Maroon
Spock: Nimoy
Couple: Dax and Worf
Character: Wesley Crusher
Ship: The E
Villain: Chang
Series: DS9
Captain: Sisko
Movie: The Undiscovered Country
Theme: TMP/TNG
Guest: Whoopi Goldberg
