Nice of Private Eye to cover our case against the Mail for protecting a senior journalist with a long history of sexually assaulting young men.
Pity about the tone - it was an enormous supporter of ours until we started working on trans rights.
Pity about the tone - it was an enormous supporter of ours until we started working on trans rights.
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See this and other pieces in which, back when it was fashionable, it sneered at gay men like it now sneers at trans people.
I've had not a second's respect for him or his posturing, since.
As bad as the most vicious of the tabloids.
I know they do important journalism in lots of other areas but I can never forgive them for that and their current transphobia
Bit surprised at the stance under Hislop, who appears sound on many other things.
I wonder if he had a bad time at his school. Did he have to play Ophelia in Hamlet or something?
Shame, as there are several other people who do great work for it.
I will say that if that's the case I'm very disappointed by Francis Wheen.
We shouldn't buy this rather feeble excuse whether it comes directly from him or his allies.
He isn't "neutral" given what magazine is doing. He's complicit.
I'm afraid someone needs to start briefing Hislop better. As for Wheen, I have no idea. IIRC he had several gay chums and probably knew a few Transpeople.
Oh well, nowt so strange as folk; and some are surprisingly bigoted.
Comes across as a nasty piece of work to me.
Their support for Andrew Wakefield stopped me buying it for years.
Still waiting to see them address the octopus who was in their midst…
And Hislop and HIGNFY did help make Boris look plausible to many.
Look at the Post Office scandal. PE's reporting was excellent, and achieved nothing.
That could make for good fiction, where Maxwell unexpectedly survives.
Wee Ian has a touch of the Rowling about him then?