It's like the various things Biden did to help the working class (pension support; manufacturing initiatives; stimulus aimed at non college grads; support for unions, etc.) never happened and all he did was push trans rights. It's ridiculous
Biden, for whatever reason was simply unable to sell his programs or even achievements. This man stood on the picket line with unions and some these unions developed amnesia and voted for oligarchs. Please make it make sense. Just maybe Kamala could’ve articulated the best things d admin achieved
Yes but it would be nice if Dems would be judged by what they actually said and did and not judged on what their critics said the Dems said or did. Goes back to GOP having their own long established propaganda network while Dems have to rely upon favorable media coverage.
The reason why the pussygrabber won is this: most white male voters assume that at party that represents the interests of nonwhites can't represent them or does so at their expense. An, of course, that's the Republican message.
That's why Republican have spent billions on ads that focused on that factor in every presidential election for decades, to distract voters from realizing Democrats were actually doing more to support the working class than Republicans.
Just shows you how dumbed down Americans have become by the repuke propaganda and how the repukes never talk about healthcare , reproductive rights or raising wages. Yet the stupids voted for them!
This should raise a lot of red flags. Democrats are better for workers. But they cannot message on it. Meanwhile republicans lie but in a way that workers get. This is a big problem dems need to solve.
I don't get the polls claiming a drop in supporting the working class after by passed major legislation providing good paying union jobs not to mention saving pensions from and going belly up and walking a picket line. I Democrats have to start writing their names on everything that has been done
The Republicans began to decimate The Great Middle-class with the overnight demolition of PATCO. It's been demolition and a constant misinformation campaign ever since. Many are not old enough to have followed and hence are misinformed.
Worse part is Dems have ALWAYS been much better for the working class. Even under 'trickle down' reagan, we found out he was the BIGGEST Union buster, cutting jobs as he cut taxes 4 for the wealthy& then cut welfare programs ect. So of course in the 80's homelessness EXPLODED under republican watch.
A party that stands for these values per the FT shouldn’t be losing elections to fascists and a corrupt oligarchy class. It shouldn’t happen and there is a breakdown somewhere, between what the party is clearly doing and the beneficiaries of these values.
People are much more charitable toward marginalized groups when they feel secure themselves. A populist economic message and policies that raise the standard of living for the working class would create an environment in which social progress would be easier to achieve.
Somehow, it's hard to believe that people don't understand that healthcare IS an economic issue. In addition to the economic impact of, you know, DYING; medical bills are the no. 1 cause of bankruptcy.
Identity politics is a losing proposition unless the marginalized group issue is framed as a white person’s issue as well. If not, Republicans will beat you over the head with it or some twisted version of it
So representing the working class means to be racist and blaming minorities and immigrants and anyone else who does not fit in the Republican white American poster child image for an imaginary horrible economy and the costs of it.
Working class whites voted for billionaire rulers to dismantle the American government and shift more wealth to the already wealthy.
That's how we lost.
Oh, that’s right, there aren’t any!!