Democrats are way out of of the mainstream on voter ID.
Average people don’t buy the line that it’s hard to get ID in the year 2024 when you need it for everything else.
Rs are exploiting lack of voter ID to sow distrust in elections.
Average people don’t buy the line that it’s hard to get ID in the year 2024 when you need it for everything else.
Rs are exploiting lack of voter ID to sow distrust in elections.
Where I work, several ppl told upper mgmt they would be taking the day off to vote, as the only location was about 30 miles away. They were told in front of me, it would not be excused.
* I QUICKLY INTERRUPTED and said " unless we want to be sued, better rethink that wrong decision ".
I t’am an Election Inspector, and almost every R coming in to vote has ID in hand, just wanting to have that argument.
I say “we have your ID on file from registering, but Thank you”.
So this issue will simply be replaced with another, if we continue to do nothing about
There are ID card priming machines that can give you an ID 2 minutes after the photo
Support a free citizenship ID card!
And I'm still curious how much Bill thinks is okay to charge people for the right to vote.
To get one you have to have the appropriate documents to prove who you are, take the day off to go to the ADR, have a way to get there, and have $36.25.
There are people in Alabama who would struggle to meet one or more of those criteria. Should we not allow them to vote?
“Do you favor limiting forms of acceptable IDs to those favoring rich, white, Republicans while excluding students, minorities & the poor?”
Without it, these results have no meaning.
Remove the barriers.
1st, in Canada, ALL elections are run by a non-partisan organization
2nd, ballots are ALL paper
3rd, I've NEVER had to register to vote
And now proof of citizenship is being pushed—which ISN’T part of any “everything else”—and the restrictions are onerous. Each time we capitulate, the goalposts are moved.
And I do mean *all*.
9.1% or 21.3 million voting age Americans don’t have one.
I was one & didn’t live where I was born anymore. $29 & wait a month to do it online.
Possible but it is about friction.
Minimum it should be free.
Ds should make it easier to get official ID.