🚨🧵We couldn’t get most Dems to say the word fascism in 2024, so we’re in no shape to fight it.
Fascism isn’t some kind of 🦄.
It’s a common ideology that exists all over the world on the far right of the spectrum and existed here in the 30s until Pearl Harbor.
Fascism isn’t some kind of 🦄.
It’s a common ideology that exists all over the world on the far right of the spectrum and existed here in the 30s until Pearl Harbor.
Trad C
Limited gov
Free markets
Diversity & multiculturalism
Secularism in gov
Imperial president
Church as state
American fascism is quite different than the Nazis, but is not different from today’s modern fascist movements in EU.
Elon found this out when he googled the AfD in Germany and fell in ❤️ because its platform is the same as MAGAs.
I live in Ohio so only saw Kamala national ads, which didn't touch democracy threats.
Sherrod Brown bathed us with ads that never mentioned Harris (or Biden) but did a great job portraying Trump as a good to work with normal guy.
He lost to a wage stealing car salesman.
Picking winners. Like Trump.
"Does that sound like Hitler to you? Please!" #elonmusk #hitler
Most of the means of production are owned and run by the government in Cuba
The "socialist" nordic/W. European countries are indeed capitalist with mixed economies.
What did you mean by "there's no such thing as
Further, fascism has latently existed since Barry Goldwater in the 1960’s & it became more prevalent when Ronald Raygun became President.
It cherry-picks the most extreme authoritarian end of communism and calls it socialism. It's right-wing propaganda in itself.
It's completely gefucked.
I normally agree with Bitecofer, but posting that chart is a big ding in her reputation for me.
In fact, by definition (although corrupted) the stock market is Democratic Socialism which supports Capitalism.
Democratic = votes
Socialism = People own means of production.
You elect, invest, own. Since it's cash, Capitalism.
Please clarify.
I believe in social democracy like Bernie. It's
say what you like about the disasters of *authoritarian* socialism — and there were plenty — but it has worked
also: many decent people have been socialists. no decent person has ever been a fascist
basically renders as "THE General of Generals" -- a super general
It pretends to be factual, but it's deeply anti-socialist propaganda. Anti-fascist, to be sure, but that's OK with me.
Anything in the extreme & in the wrong hands, no bueno.
Jim Jones was a "socialist" movement. Sounded great in the beginning 🤷
Communism, as practiced by every communist country = fascism.
-Capitalism kill millions in 3rd World
- Stronk Leader is key to not being couped by Amerika
- We don't force worship leader, but Capitalism worship money/markets.
-You've headed of the CIA (because they kill and torture for a lot of stuff)
Unbridled, UN-compassionate capitalism does indeed kill people for example, by denying healthcare or exploiting people around the world.
commun/socialist USSR, Cuba, Venezuela,N.Korea's dictatorial regimes have killed millions.
and also Comrade Parrot, the top part was what I said
also when is capitalism "compassionate" , no matter what form, the 3rd World pays the price.
and also Comrade Parrot, the top part was what I said
also when is capitalism "compassionate" , no matter what form, the 3rd World pays the price.
Socialism is economic, not political