Don’t MAGAs benefit from medical research too? I know that sounds like a question a 3 year old would ask, but what they’re doing is so mind boggling I’m unable to ask it any other way.
Cancer patients, your families and friends who love you, and future cancer patients take note. I was expecting the worst, but this is already worse than most of imagined.
We must DEMAND the Felons resignation. We can hold a national strike. The immigrants are already not reporting to work out of fear. Let’s support them and have a national sit out/ sick out.
I really wouldn't wait until 2026, in the belief that the midterms will be held, let alone that they will be fair and honest. There is a very small window of opportunity to save democracy but it's closing fast.
Good point. We can try to turn the few remaining ethical GOP to switch parties-- like the relatively good guy just bounced from chairing -- Defense? Nat Sec? -- Committee 'cause "Mar a Lago wasn't happy." Will they just roll over and let tRump/Musk absorb the entire, formerly co-equal branch?
We had everything in this country. I guess that was so boring that we had to go ripping out our own livers and eating them with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
No. We had privilege, but we always had MAGAcunts and Nazis and theofascists, etc. The difference was that we had some culture, some education, some decency, and some pretense of justice and the rule of law.
Social media and personal dildoes (sorry, 'smartphones' LOL!) finished off all of those.
Personally it is not good news for my daughter who is defending her PhD in bio-medical research in a week. Nationally it stalls advances in medicine. For world health this could lead to disaster.
Like Covid…”if we stopped counting, we wouldn’t have so many cases”…. All deaths can be blamed on people getting tricked into taking the Covid vacc!! Bird flu? Hoax!!
Yes, my daughter is has been excited to finally work in medical research (neuroscience) and suddenly everything is drying up. Fuck Trump and his MAGA monkeys.
How I think this will play out:
They've heard the complaints about our tax dollars funding research for medical R&D, then having to pay premium $$$ to purchase the fruits of that research. But then figured that the best solution is to just privatize the whole pipeline.
That’s the goal to privatize everything they don’t eliminate. And we’ll pay for services that used to be taxpayer funded, and we’ll pay through the nose, while the rich get richer.
After telling the country it was a hoax, not to wear masks, not to distance, not to test, take horse meds, drink bleach, n shove uv lights up our asses
Well, not "yet" shut down, at least. DD is still going to her lab at a major research university. White knuckle time until group meeting on Monday when PI (who participates in the cancelled study sessions) will hopefully address the issue with the whole lab.
We have about 18 months to correct our mistakes in 2026.
We will restore our Democracy soon
There is always hope.
I am talking with community members and working locally.
Next, you'll tell me an anti-free press movement will go after the free press...
...oh. Yeah, well...
Social media and personal dildoes (sorry, 'smartphones' LOL!) finished off all of those.
probably across all domains ...
Now we wait for the other shoe to drop when the
“New team “ arrives at or about Feb 1.
They've heard the complaints about our tax dollars funding research for medical R&D, then having to pay premium $$$ to purchase the fruits of that research. But then figured that the best solution is to just privatize the whole pipeline.
Do we have to pay for them?
He benefited from research with the million dollar treatment he received when he had Covid.