listen, i’ve lightened up on UB. some of that shit is sick as fuck. it’s the fact they’re making 50% of products each year UB and overlapping the previewing that i have a problem with. it’s ok to be excited about spider-man, i just wish we had more time to digest the other sets coming out first.
For real, the flavorful card design of UB products is its main redeeming quality. They've felt incredibly well done. I just don't want anything approaching 50% of releases to be UB. Less than 25% now we're talking. And yeah, again, some time to breathe and work with the cards that are out.
It's like a wall of noise, I've gone from "read through the cards myself" to "skim edhrec's summary" to now "oh, new cards are out, I might take a look at some of them"
The only way we're getting out of UB Spam Era is if the sets stopped making money. And good luck convincing these rabid hordes not to spend money on cardboard with Thing They Know and Like on it.
Game's cooked, gg
Game's cooked, gg